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6. Except for the copies painted by the students of Leonardo, there should have been at least ________ paintings of the Mona Lisa if Perugia just stole a copy. a. eight b. seven c. six d . two Vocabulary anecdote authentic spokesman burglar leave sth. behind antique basement courtyard passerby moustache flee 趣闻,轶事; 原作的; 发言人; 窃贼,小偷; 把 … 抛在后面; 古董的; 地下室; 庭院; 路人; 小胡子; 逃跑 Vocabulary sideroad appeal suspect loss circulate seek gang tentative on behalf of… chief fundamental 旁路; 恳求,呼吁; 可疑分子; 丢失,丧失; 流传,传播; 寻找,寻求; 一群; 不确定的; 代表; 最主要的; 根本的,基本的; Vocabulary drawback superb substitute confidental debt get tired of doing sth. merely outcome blame at liberty gifted 不利因素; 极好的,超好的; 代替物; 秘密的; 债务; 厌倦做某事; 仅仅,只不过; 结果,后果; 责任; 获得自由的; 有天赋的; the Renaissance the period of new growth of interest and activity in the areas of art, literature and ideas in Europe, especially northern Italy, during the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries: The sunflower Van Gogh Michelangelo 米开朗琪罗 the David The last supper Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa what you think about the Mona Lisa? “A thousand eyes see a thousand different Mona Lisa.” Read what people say about the painting and decide which opinions are positive. 1. It's a 慭瑳牥楰捥Ⅵ Introduction(P15, books) 2 . I find it mysterious, and perhaps even a little disturbing; I don't know who the subject is, and I find the background 瑳慲杮汥?湵敲污尮 Read what people say about the painting and decide which opinions are positive. Introduction(P15, books) 4. It's a work of genius. The effect of the light, the combination of light and shade, is 獡潴楮桳湩? 3.I've never understood what people see in this picture. It's too dark, too dull, and basically 湵湩整敲瑳湩? 1. Read what people say about the painting and decide which opinions are positive. Positive comments Reasons 1 4 masterpiece a work of genius; astonishing Negative comments Reasons 2 3 mysterious; disturbing; strangely unreal too dark, too dull, uninteresting Why is she smiling? More about


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