山东省郯城县高二英语《Unit (2) Language study》教案.docVIP

山东省郯城县高二英语《Unit (2) Language study》教案.doc

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PAGE PAGE 3 用心 爱心 专心 山东省郯城县高二英语《Unit (2) Language study》教案 高二 年级 英语 备课组 主备人 李金凤 课型 Language focus 验收结果: 合格 时间 2011年 11 分管领导 课时 第 13 周第2 课时 总第 36 课时 教学目标: To master some key words and phrases; especially the sentence patterns To learn to apply the above in a certain situation. 重点、难点 Words and phrases’ usages 教 学 过 程 教师活动 学生活动 STEP I DICTATION About the words and phrases STEP II Language?study 1. There are various reasons why people write poetry. 1) various: different, its root is vary. 2) poetry is a collective noun, used as an uncountable noun. 2. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. [翻译] 有些诗讲述一个故事,或者描述某件事情,这样给读者留下强烈的印象。 [点拨] 该句中的in a way意为“用一种方式”,由于way后接一个that引导的定语从句且在从句中作主语,故在此理解为“用一种能给读者留下强烈的印象的方式”。 如: We should help the poor student in a way that won’t hurt his self-respect. 我们应该以一种不伤害到这个贫困生的自尊的方式来帮助他。 3. Others try to convey certain emotion. Some … others…/One… the other (s) …常常以固定的搭配形式出现 1) convey: to make ideas, feelings, etc, known to sb. Colors like red convey a sense of energy and strength. Body language conveys much more information than language spoken. 4….they delight small children because… delight: give sb. a lot of pleasure and enjoyment 使欣喜 1) be delighted to do Children will be delighted to receive presents from Santa Claus. 2) be delighted at/by sth. 3) delight in doing sth. 以…取乐 5. We would have won if Jack had scored that goal. score v. 得分 1) to win points or goals in a game or a competition Yao Ming scored 23 points in the first quarter. 2) gain marks in an exam She scored 98 out of 100. score n. 二十 score与数词many, several 等连用时, 不加 “s”, 所修饰的名词前常省去 “of” two score of people 中应加of , 但three score and ten people 中不加 of,scores of people 指”许多人” 。 6. We would have won if we hadn’t taken it easy. 1) relax and avoid working too hard 松散,松懈 2) used to tell a person not t


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