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Welcome! July20th,2012 Rome was not built in a day 罗马不是一日建成的。 Lesson 83-84 1.Who calls at Carol`s house? 2.What are they doing? 3.Has Tom had his lunch? 4.When did he have his lunch? 5. 我已经吃过我的午饭了 6. 我已经喝过咖啡了。 7. 我已经度过假了。 8. 乱七八糟,请原谅。 9. 我们正在整理行李。 10. 你们真幸运! Lesson 83-84 ? mess /mes/ n. 杂乱,凌乱 ? pack /p? k/ v. 包装,打包,装箱 ? suit case / sju:t keis/ n. 手提箱 ? leave /li:v/ v. 离开 ? already /a:lredi/ adv. 已经 现在完成时 1 、含义 ( 1 )在过去一个不确定的时间里发生,并 与现在有着某种联系的动作 ( 2 )开始于过去并持续到现在的动作。 2 、构成 ? 肯定句:主语 + has/have + 动词的过去分词 ? 否定形式:主语 +hasnt/havent + 动词的过 去分词 ? 疑问形式:把 has/have 提前 ? 我已经吃过早饭了。 ? I have had breakfast. ? 我没吃早饭呢。 ? I haven t had breakfast. ? 你吃早饭了吗? ? Have you had breakfast? ? Yes,I have .( 肯定回答 )/No,I haven`t. (否定 回答) 2020/3/27 现在完成时的时间状语 ? already 已经 yet 还 ? ever 曾经 never 从不 just 刚刚 ? for+ 一段时间 ? since+ 时间点 since+2006 ? 自从 2006 年起、 since + 时间段 +ago ? since two years ago 2020/3/27 现在完成时态特殊形式 ? have /has been to 曾经去过某地回来了 ? have /has gone to 去过某地还没回来 ? have /has been in 一直待在某地 现在完成时 VS 一般过去时 ExerciseA 1.They have already had lunch.( 改为一般疑问句 ) Have they had lunch yet ? 2.I have stayed in Beijing for twenty years.( 就划线部分提 问 ) How long have you stayed in Beijing ? 3.Lily and Lisa have heard the news.( 改为否定句 ) Lily and Lisa haven`t heard the news. 4.We have painted the room for 8 hours.( 就划线部分提问 ) What have you done for 8 hours? 5.never,been,Turkey,the ,engineers ,have ,to ,before( 连词 成句 ) The engineers have never been to Turkey before. ExerciseB Lesson84 Written exercises: A. B. Lesson 85 Paris in the spring Do you know Paris? That s one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Today we will learn a story about Paris. And we will learn how to describe weather. 本课内容 ? 单词学习 ? 现在完成时的特殊结构 ? 课文讲解 ? 练习 ? 日常用语 ? 口语练习 ? 作业 Lesson 85 Questions: Please close your books and listen to the audio. Try to understand the main idea of the story. At what time of year did Ken visit Paris? 单词学习 ? Paris n. 巴黎 ? cinema n. 电影院 ? film n. 电影;胶卷 ? beautiful adj. 漂亮的


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