百年学典2013年高考英语第一轮总复习 Unit5Nelson Mandela a modern hero课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

百年学典2013年高考英语第一轮总复习 Unit5Nelson Mandela a modern hero课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

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拓展: set down 写下;记下 set out to do sth. 着手做某事 set about doing sth. 着手做某事 set off/out (for) 出发 ( 去?? ) ;动身 ( 去?? ) set aside 把??放在一边 运用:用适当的副词或介词填空 3)The new government was set ________ after the war. 4)To catch the train wed better set ________ for the station immediately. 5)We should set ________ the important content the teacher says in class. 6)I dont know how to set ________ the work. 7)He set ________ his book and lit a cigarette. 8)They succeeded in what they set ________ to do. up out down about aside out 5 . turn to 求助于;翻到??页 The child turned to his mother for comfort. 那孩子找妈妈以求安慰。 拓展: turn down 调低 ( 音量等 ) ;拒绝 turn out 结果是;证明是;关掉 turn in 上交 turn off 关闭 turn on 开 turn into ( 使 ) 变成 turn away (from) 不让??进入?? turn up 出现;调大 ( 音量等 ) 比较:用适当的介词或副词填空 1)Hundreds of people were turned ________ from the concert. 2)The light in the hall were turned ________ before the concert performance. 3)It looked like rain this morning, but it turned ______ to be a fine day. 4)Her bitter experience has turned her ________ a strong- minded person. 5)The magnetic field( 磁场 ) is gone when the electricity is turned ________. 6)Dont worry about the boy.Hell soon turn ______. away down out into off up 1 . I felt bad the first time I talked to a group. the first time 在 此 引 导 时 间 状 语 从 句 , 意 为 “ 第 一 次??”。 模仿:翻译下面句子 1) 我第一次见到她时就对她印象很深。 比较: for the first time 第一次 介词短语,作状语。 It/That/This is the first time that ?那是第一次做?? I had a deep impression on her the first time I saw her. 运用:完成句子 2) 你们第一次见面是在什么时候? When did you meet each other ___________________? 3) 那是我首次参加比赛。 __________________ I had taken part in the game. for the first time It was the first time that 2 . Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 句型: only +介词 / 副词 / 状语从句+部分倒装 模仿:翻译下面句子 1) 只是在那时我才明白学习英语的重要性。 2) 只有努力我们才能成功。 3) 只有下雨时我


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