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1. the development of The internet financial 互联网金融的发展 Development of Internet finance through the bank on the net, the third party payment, personal loans and other stage, and increasingly in the financing, the core matching, the supply and demand of traditional financial business 互联网金融的发展经过了网上银行,第 三方支付,个人贷款等多阶段,并且越来越 在融通资金,资金供需双方的匹配等方面深 入传统金融业务的核心 Why Yue bao is so popular? 2.People can check their income from investments easily by a look on phone, It makes financial management more simple for the middle class. 人们可以通过简单 的看一眼他们的手 机便知道投资收益, 对于中产阶级来说, 投资变得十分简单 便捷。 3.“Theres no point in keeping money in the bank any more. This is just as reliable, more flexible and you can earn a lot more from it,” one investor says. 一位投资者表示:“再也没什么理由把钱存银 行了。(余额宝)这种方式同样可靠,又更灵 活,收益也大多了。” Initially pitched by the Chinese ecommerce group as a platform for its us ers to manage excessfunds in their online payment accounts, Yu E Bao is becoming something far more powerful: a straight - up substitute for traditional bank deposits. 起初,阿里巴巴对余额宝的宣传定位是,帮助用户管理在线 支付账务里富余资金的平台。如今,余额宝正在变成一款比 这一定位强大得多的产品,即传统银行存款的直接替代品。 Is it the same to deposit Yuebao is only a way for people to invest , though it very convenient and high yield,but its different from deposit. Deposit is people put money in bank and get some interest as remuneration. High yield 高收益 Remuneration [r??mju:n??re??n] 酬劳 报酬 回报 Which one is better There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand peoples eyes. Therefore,we can choose both of them to improve our financing ability.the former is high risk ,high return,the letter is common and low risk . Some comments 2014/2/24,cctv commentator Niuwen xin: Where is the bank balance treasure impact? Its im pact is Chinese social financing costs, the impact of national economic security. Balance treasure is lying on the banks vampire , is a typical financial parasites , it does not create value, but through the economic cost to reap profits fro


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