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* * A Class Act Florence Cartlidge Q&A What does she mean by “yet I could not have asked for more enterprising and optimistic parents”? She thinks that her parents did all they could to support the family; thereby, her parents were the most enterprising and optimistic ones one could ever expect to find. Sentence 2 of Para. 4 然而我所就读的女子学校却采取严格的制 度,要求每个学生都必须按规定合理着装。负责每日集合的女副校长天天训斥我,把这当成了她的使命。 Translation 纽约大学的外国学生来自130多个国家,50%来自亚洲,主要是韩国、日本和中国。 Foreign students of newyork school come from 130 states ,50% students came from Europe, most of them were from Japan and china. Foreign students of New York University come from over 130 states. 50% of students come from Asia. Most of them are from Japan and China. (repetition) 纽约大学的外国学生来自130多个国家,50%来自亚洲,主要是韩国、日本和中国。 Foreign students of New York University come from over 130 states. 50% of students come from Asia. Most of them are from Japan and China. The foreign students at New York University come from more than 130 countries. Fifty percent are from Asia, especially South Korea, Japan and China. 大学所有14个学院都有外国学生就读。这些学院的教学内容包括人文科学和自然科学、法律、商务和教育。 Foreign students study in the 14 college of the university. The content of teaching in these college includes literature ,sceince, law, business and education. Foreign students are studying in 14 colleges of the university. The courses include arts, sciences, law, business and education. 大学所有14个学院都有外国学生就读。这些学院的教学内容包括人文科学和自然科学、法律、商务和教育。 Foreign students study in 14 colleges of the university. The courses include arts, science, law, business and education. Foreign students are studying in all fourteen schools within the university. These include arts and sciences, law, business and education. 75%的外国留学生在研究生院学习。约25%的学生接受四年制的本科教育,学习期满,他们可获得学士学位。 75% of the students from foreign countries study in post-graduate academy. And about 25% of them receive a 4-year-undergraduate education. They could get Bachelor’s Degree after 4 year’s schooling. 75% of foreign students ar



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