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Xiangyang is a national historical and cultural city, the city has 2800 years of history, rich cultural resources and the natural landscape. ????In this city there are 7 major scenic spots,including Gurung, the Guangde Temple, Migong Templel ,and so on. It is very rich in tourism resources and 700 points of heritage and various scenic spots, including six state-level scenic spots and more than 30 provincial-level scenic spots.Also Gurung is the national 译文:襄樊是国家级历史文化名城,2800多年的建城史,拥有丰富的人文资源和自然景观。 市内有古隆中、广德寺、米公祠等7大风景区。境内旅游资源十分丰富,文物古迹或风景名胜点达700多处,其中国家级景点6处,省级景点30余处,古隆中为国家4A级风景名胜区。人文资源有距今6000多年的枣阳雕龙碑远古农耕文化遗址以及荆楚文化、三国文化等。自然景现有山岳森林型的薤山、鹿门寺,溶洞温泉型的保康温泉,江河湖泊型的南河小三峡等;还有工业旅游二汽试车场、地宫旅游南漳楚王墓、观光农业旅游神农园等等。 History Xiangyang is a famous national-level historical[ \o Wikipedia:Citation needed citation needed] and cultural[ \o Wikipedia:Citation needed citation needed] city in China, with a history of over 2800 years. It was the location of major battles during the Three Kingdoms period in \o Battle of Xiangyang (191) 191 A.D. between Sun Jian and Liu Biao and in \o Battle of Xiangyang 1267-1273 A.D. between the Southern Song and the Mongols. Its major scenic spots and cultural sites include Xiangyang City Moat, the Pseudo-classic Street,[ \o Wikipedia:Please clarify clarification needed] Ancient Longzhong, Memorial Temple to Mi Fu, Lumen Temple. The wall of Xiangyang city is very old, but the condition is fine now. The regions premier tourist attractions are Dahongshan scenic area and some historical relics, including the Lumenshan relic, the Zhanggongci [ \o Edit section: Geography edit] Geography Xiangyang has a monsoon-influenced, four season humid subtropical climate ( \o K?ppen climate classification K?ppen Cfa), with cold, damp (but comparatively dry), winters, and hot, humid summers. Monthly daily averages range from 2.6?°C (36.7?°F) in January to 27.3?°C (81.1?°F) in July, with an annual mean temperature of 15.5?°C (59.9?°F). Humidity tends to be high year


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