2019 2020新教材高中英语Unit4FriendsforeverSectionⅢUsingLanguage课件外研版必修1.ppt

2019 2020新教材高中英语Unit4FriendsforeverSectionⅢUsingLanguage课件外研版必修1.ppt

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Unit 4 Friends forever Section Ⅲ Using Language 语 言 基 础 自 测 Ⅰ . 单词拼写 1 . She was extremely ( 焦虑 )about her exam. 2 . People today enjoy a better ( 质量 )of life. 3 . ( 激情 )were running high at the meeting. 4 . He wanted to buy a ( 盒 )of cigarettes. 5 . His was worn out by all these troubles. 6 . Just now she ate a of bread. 7 . I have you a cup of tea. anxious quality Passions pack patience slice poured Ⅱ . 拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1 . courage n .勇气→ encourage v .鼓励→ n .鼓 励,鼓舞 2 . n .安慰,慰藉→ comfortable adj . 舒适的 3 . _______ n .耐心→ patient adj . 耐心的→ impatient adj . →不耐心的 4 . n .幽默→ humorous adj . 幽默的 5 . anxiety n .焦虑→ adj . 焦虑的 encouragement comfort patience humour anxious Ⅲ . 补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1 . a pack 一包…… 2 . a sense humour 幽默感 3 . comfort 舒适地 4 . a of 一片…… 5 . be anxious 对……担心 of of in slice about 6 . allow sb. do sth. 允许某人做某事 7 . come up 想出…… with to Ⅳ . 选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1 . He very the speech contest. 2 . Think a little harder and a new solution. 3 . All of us want to live . 4 . We all know that is important in everyday life. 5 . He me use his bike. is anxious about come up with in comfort a sense of humour allowed to 核 心 要 点 探 究 quality n . 素质,品质 adj. 高品质的;棒极了 ( 教材 P 42 )a quality that offers help to others 主动助人的品质 quality 作“质量”讲时,常用单数形式;作“品质”讲时是可 数名词。 of quality 高质量的 ① The store is proud of the quality of its wine. 这家商店为其酒的质量自豪。 ②“ What was the film like ”?“



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