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17.controversial 18.intelligent 19.evaluate 20.specific 21.consult 22.qualification 23.outline 24.attach 25.forecast 26.frequent 27.dull 28.applaud 29.predict 30.classify 31.proofread 32.confirm 33.hyphen 34.quotation 35. 背景 36. 有利条件 37. 而且 38. 不正确的、虚假的 39. 钦佩、羡慕 40. 有耐心的 1.that is to say 2.current affairs 3.travel package 4.turn to 5.all sorts of 6.up to date 7.be accustomed to … 8.worn out 9.be popular with 10.be happy with 11.keep … in mind 12.search engine 13.subject directory 14.be divided into … 15.take … into consideration 16.on that basis 17.as a general state 18.search for 19.double quotation marks 20.key word 21.build social ties 22.correct mistakes/errors 23.weather forecast 24.support one's arguments 25.heavy Internet users 26.affect one's private lives 27.pros and cons 28. another aspect of 29. be addicted to the Internet 30. have no qualifications 31.complete a diploma course 32. be based on common interests 33.have negative effects on 34.in bad/great need of/be badly in need of 35. be eager/anxious/keen /desperate to do sth. 36. communicate with experts 37. feel disconnected to the real world 38. a waste of time 39.make a difference 40.such as 1.acquire 2.downtown 3.analysis 4.sceptical 5.statistics 6.popularity 7.drawback 8.accurate 取得、获得、学到 在市中心;闹市区 分析 n. 持怀疑态度的 统计数据 人气、受欢迎程度 精确的 缺点、障碍 9.troublesome 10.occur 11.diploma 12.handle 13.dynamic 14.evident 15.explicit 16.relevant 令人烦恼的 发生、出现 毕业证书、文凭 处理、对付 明显的、显然的 明确的、明晰的 相关的、有关的 有生气的 , 有活力的 17.controversial 18.intelligent 19.evaluate 20.specific 21.consult 22.qualification 23.outline 24.attach 有争议的 聪明的、明智的 评估、鉴定 具体的、明确的 咨询、查阅 资格;资格证书 提纲、轮廓 依附、贴上 25.forecast 26.frequent 27.dull 28.applaud 29.predict 30.classify 31.proofread 32.confirm 预报;预测 n. 频繁的;经常的 枯燥的;乏味的 鼓掌 ; 喝彩 预言、预料 vt. 将 … 分类 校对 证实 33.hyphen 34.quotation 35. 背景 36. 有利条件 37. 而且 38. 不正确的、虚假的 39. 钦佩、羡慕 40. 有耐心的 连字符 引用;引文 background patient admire false moreover advantage 1.that is to say 2.current affairs 3.travel package 4.t


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