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. % function nsga_2(pro) %% Main Function % Main program to run the NSGA-II MOEA. % Read the corresponding documentation to learn more about multiobjective % optimization using evolutionary algorithms. % initialize_variables has two arguments; First being the population size % and the second the problem number. 1 corresponds to MOP1 and 2 % corresponds to MOP2. %inp_para_definition=input_parameters_definition; %% Initialize the variables % Declare the variables and initialize their values % pop - population % gen - generations % pro - problem number %clear;clc;tic; pop = 100; % 每一代的种群数 gen = 100; % 总共的代数 pro = 2; % 问题选择 1 或者 2 ,见 switch switch pro case 1 % M is the number of objectives. M = 2; % V is the number of decision variables. In this case it is % difficult to visualize the decision variables space while the % objective space is just two dimensional. V = 6; case 2 M = 3; V = 12; case 3 % case 1 和 case 2 用来对整个算法进行常规验证,作为调试之用; case 3 为本工程所需; M = 2; %(output parameters 个数 ) V = 8; %(input parameters 个数 ) K = 10; end % Initialize the population chromosome = initialize_variables(pop,pro); %% Sort the initialized population % Sort the population using non-domination-sort. This returns two columns % for each individual which are the rank and the crowding distance % corresponding to their position in the front they belong. 真是牛 X 了。 chromosome = non_domination_sort_mod(chromosome,pro); %% Start the evolution process . . % The following are performed in each generation % Select the parents % Perfrom crossover and Mutation operator % Perform Selection for i = 1 : gen % Select the parents % Parents are selected for reproduction to generate offspring. The % original NSGA-II us


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