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辽宁省阜新市第七高级中学2019年高三英语模拟试题 一、 选择题 1. As new media platforms gain more users, digital marketing, in which electronic platforms are adopted to convey information to promote sales, has become a(an) ________ for many global organizations. A. motivation ? B. inspiration C. priority?????? D. responsibility 参考答案: C 【知识点】名词 解析:A动力;B灵感;C优先考虑;D责任。数字化营销成为许多跨国公司的首选营销手段。根据题意选C。 【技巧点拨】熟记名词的含义,认真审题,感悟题意,别无他法。 2. Three suspects ________ in the terrorist attack in?Kunming?have been caught. ? A. involved B. to involve C. being involved D. involving 参考答案: A 3. ????? heavy rain is arriving tomorrow and will last for ??????rest of the week. A. A; /???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? B. A; the ???????? ???????? ?????? C. The; /?? ???????? ???????? ???????? D. The; the 参考答案: B 略 4. Sorry, I’m late but I _____ that such things won’t happen again. A. guarantee??????? B. prove??????????? C. determine??? D. doubt 参考答案: A 5. I really don’t know ______ I had my money stolen. A. where it was that???? B. that it was when?? C. when was it that???? D. it was where that 参考答案: A 6. Then other pirate radio stations began to spring up and soon the authorities were being forced to face the new situation created by the pirate stations. A.government B.power C.experts D.radio stations 参考答案: A 7. Turn on CCTV news and we ________how happy our life is. But there is no denying that over the past decades, the cost of living ________ sharply. ?? A. are seeing; had increased B. will see;has been increasing C. see; increased ??? D. have seen; is increasing 参考答案: B 8. —Only those who have a lot in common can get along well. —???? . Opposites sometimes do attract. A. I hope not B. I think so C. I appreciate that D. I beg to differ 参考答案: D 试题分析:考查交际用语。I hope not我可不希望这样;I think so我认为如此;I appreciate that我很感激;I beg to differ恕我不能同意;本题的关键词是后句“Opposites sometimes do attract.”意见相反的人有时会相互吸引。说明对话两个人的意见并不一致。故D项“恕我不能同意”符合上下文。 9. All flights______off because of the terrible weather, so they had to go there b


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