四年级上英语教案Unit1 Again.doc

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冀教版 四年级上册 Unit 1 Again, Please! 教学目标 1. 知识与技能: a. 能听说读写以下单词: cap, dress, shoes, coat, trousers, shirt, socks, shorts, sweater, skirt new, old day, today, week b. 能听懂会说认读以下单词及句型,并能用这些句型进行交流。 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Whats… He is wearing____. She is wearing____. Is this your/ his/ her____? Are these your/ his/ her____? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Yes, they are. No, they arent. c. 能听懂会说认读并仿写下列句型: This is… These are… 学习策略: a. 能发现语音规律帮助认读记忆词汇; b. 能与小组成员合作,共同完成任务; c. 能积极运用英语表达交流 情感态度: a. 能积极参与课堂活动; b. 能在歌曲、游戏、儿歌等活动中体会到英语学习的乐趣; c. 能在参与中获得成功的体验。 教学准备 教师准备单词卡 教学过程 页 1 第 学生活教师活教学步设计意Part 1 Class Say hello 引领学生进入英语学习状态Say hello,opening 为课上的练习作好铺垫Jackie Part 2 .Sing the song: “HesReview trousers. wearing red利用歌曲引入复习星期点,既向学生渗透了知识,引入评价方式2Sing the song. 能充分调动起学生学习的There are a lot of hangers趣 reward Illforeachtea you some clothes when you引入评价方式,提升学生的do well.争和团队合作意识 theontheexercise23DoListen to the book, and then check theteacher. answer. ofthepictures4Takeout the clothes and ask the结合练习,复习涉及服装名students some questions. 以及颜色,加深学生印象 Such as What is it? Is it new? Is this your __? Do the exercise Lets chant!5利用图片以及相关内容,既 到教材的整合,又调动学生的Show the students 6. 学习兴趣,加深对句型应用的 页 2 第 pattern drills and let some them make a dialogue in 理解。 Part 3 Summary Part 4 homework groups . the students look at 7. Let screen, and ask what is she or he wearing? and choose some students to answer the questions. And then, practice in pairs. Do exercise 3and 4 on 8. the book, and then check the answer. Lets count how many clothes do you got in the class, and ask who is the winner? Clap for them. Make a poster using the clothes you got in the class, and show them a sample .and then make a introduction of your Answer the questions. Chant with the teacher. in Make a dialogue groups with the pattern drills. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. And then practice in pai


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