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Book4 Unit 2 Working the land Step3.Researching cooperatively answering questions(合作探究, 解决问题) Learn the usages of the following language points and answer some questions in groups. 1.At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside.(P10) 当时饥荒是许多农村地区面临的严重问题。 【词语拓展】 hunger n./v.饥饿;渴望;使……饥饿 hungry adj.饥饿的;渴望的 die of hunger 死于饥饿 hunger for/after sth.渴望 go hungry挨饿 【小试身手】根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)The little boy who ran away from home soon felt ____________ .(饥饿) (2)It,s terrible to_________ news when the family,s letters don,t arrive.(渴望) (3)Many people in Africa had to(挨饿) ________and some even _________(死于饥饿)because of the lack of grain. 2.Dr.Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of fields.(P10)袁博士在不增加土地面积的基础上寻求达到增收的途径。 【词语拓展】search for;in search of;look for search for 搜寻(动词词组) in search of 搜寻(介词词组) search...for 搜查某地/某人寻找某物 The dogs were in the forest in search of/looking for/searching for clues of the criminals. =The dogs searched the forest for clues of the criminals. =The dogs were in the forest to look for clues of the criminals.  【小试身手】选用上述短语填空。 (1)The poor professor felt everywhere on the floor _____________ his glasses. (2)The police ____________ the thief ____________ the lost wallet. (3)What are you _____________?You,ve been on net for ages. 3.Thanks to his research, the UN is trying to rid the world of hunger.(P10) 由于他的研究,联合国正在使世界摆脱饥饿。 thanks to=because of由于;多亏  【即学即练】完成下列句子。 (1) ____________(多亏你的帮助),we were successful. (2) _______(幸亏他体质好),Jack was able to pull through his recent serious illness. 4.You might guess that Dr Yuan, who is now rich and famous, is satisfied with his life.(P10)你可能会以为袁博士现在富裕了,出了名,他对生活就满足了。 【词语拓展】satisfy one,s needs满足某人的需要 be satisfied with 对……满意 with satisfaction 满意地 to one,s satisfaction 使某人满意的是…… be far from satisfactory 远远不能让人满意 satisfy vt. 使满意,使确信,使消除疑虑 【即学即练】将下列句子译成英语。 (1)考试结果让我们大家都满意。_____________________________________


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