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太谷三多堂砖雕艺术特征考察 学生姓名:任雅琴 指导老师:冯杰 摘 要 砖雕是在青砖上雕刻出人物、山水、花卉等图案,是古建筑雕刻中很重要的一种艺术形式。主要用于装饰寺塔、墓室、房屋等建筑物的构件和墙面。中国古建雕刻艺术及青砖雕刻工艺品,列为国家级非物质文化遗产名录。砖雕这门艺术由东周瓦当、汉代画像砖等发展而来。在青砖上雕出山水、花卉、人物等图案,是古建筑雕刻中很重要的一种艺术形式。主要用来装饰寺、庙、观、庵及民居的构件和墙面。山西太谷县的三多堂是一座充满雕刻珍品的民居大院,其中的砖雕艺术别具特色,体现了我国劳动人民无与伦比的智慧。本次考察主要是探寻三多堂里的砖雕珍品,对其艺术特征进行考察。在考察过程中,我不由的对三多堂体现出来的高超的艺术、建造者的匠心独具由衷的产生敬佩,特别是其中的砖雕艺术更是我国劳动人民智慧的结晶。这些都是我以前没注意到的。 本文首先简述了对太古三多堂的考察过程,然后详述考察记录,并对山西太古三多堂内各种类型的砖雕、造型特征、构图特点和雕刻手法进行较为深入的分析,最后得出结论。 关键词 砖雕 太古三多堂 艺术特征 Abstract Brick is carved on the blue brick flies in the figures, landscapes, flowers and other patterns, is very important in ancient carving an art form.It is mainly used for decoration temple tower, rooms, houses and other buildings of artifacts and metope.Hexiang stone carving art of China and the blue brick flies in the carving handicraft, listed as state-level non-material cultural heritage list.By the zhou dynasty eaves tiles, han dynasty brick, etc.Carved on the blue brick flies in the design of landscapes, flowers, figures and so on, is very important in ancient carving an art form.Mainly used for decoration temple, temple, temples, and houses, view the artifacts and metope.Shanxi Taigu County sanduo hall is a sculpture works of art treasures, one of the distinctive brick art, embodies the working people in our country the wisdom of the incomparable.This investigation mainly brick treasures, and to explore the sanduo hall of examining its artistic characteristics.In the process of investigation, I couldn't help the sanduo hall of excellent artistic craftsmanship, builder of heartfelt admiration, especially the brick carvings art is the crystallization of the wisdom of working people in China.These are all I didn't notice.This article first introduced the swire sanduo hall of inspection process, and then the detailed inspection records, and the brick carvings art features a detailed analysis and summary, including various types of brick, modelling of special composition characteristics a


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