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B职位需求信息 Job Title / 职位名称: Requirements / 职位要求: Job Descriptions / 工作描述: 1、 Assembly Engineer 装配工艺工程师 Master degree in hydraulics, assembly technologies or mechanical engineering (or similar) / 液压、装配技术或机械及相关专业本科或硕士学历; 3 years’ or above education on technical of assembly /三年以上装配技术及相关教育背景; Good English skill /良好的英语水平 Prepare, arrange, purchase fixture and tools for assembly and testing / 为装配准备,安排,采购工装和工具; build up the work instructions and work plan / 建立工作指示和工作计划; build up and update the assembly standards / 建立及更新装配标准; build up and update disabled model and effect analysis (FMEA) / 建立及更新装配标准; support work flow improvement and plan preparation / 支持流程改善和计划准备; arrangement for humanity, efficiency and safety of work position / 工位的人性化,效率化及安全化安排。 2、 Continuous Improvement Engineer (CIP) 持续改进工程师 3 years’ experience in metal-machining industrial company/金属加工行业3年以上经验; Bachelor degree and majored in mechanical or relevant/机械或相关专业本科以上学历; With production economics knowledge/具备生产经济学知识; Good English and MS-Office skills/良好的MS-OFFICE和英语水平; Team spirit/团队精神。 Machining area continuous improvement, planning and implementation. /机加工领域的持续改进,计划和执行; Analyze the working time according to MTM, take action to cut down the production time. /根据MTM进行时间分析,采取加工时间缩短措施; In charge of internal material logistic according to Bosch Production System. /根据公司精艺生产负责机加工领域内部物料运输,指导员工; Work for packaging associate with leadplant. Information exchanging with leadplant. /与德国总厂协商执行包装工作,进行信息交流。 3、Internal Logistic Management 内部物流管理 University graduated/本科以上学历; Mechanical knowledge background/机械专业背景; 2-3 years of working experience, experience of Logistic or warehouse management is preferred/2-3年物流或仓库经验优先; Good command of English/英语水平良好; Team work oriented/团队合作精神; 1. Build up internal logistic team, including warehouse keeping function, supermarket management/建立内部物流组,包括仓库管理功能,超市管理等; 2. Cooperate with production planning and production workshop, to organize smooth material and parts supply and guarant


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