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摘 要 《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》已于2008年1月1日正式实施,新的企业所得税法按照简税制、宽税基、低税率、严征管”的税制改革原则,实现了两税统一。中小企业作为我国企业的重要组成部分,新税法对其经营产生了重要影响,如何通过税务筹划以促进自身的发展,是中小企业必须考虑的问题。本文对中国企业所得税制的沿革作了介绍,同时比较新旧企业所得税进行了比较,并以东莞益生电子为例探讨了新所得税对中小企业的影响,同时提出了新企业所得税法下中小企业税务筹划的相关对策。 关键词:新税法;中小企业;影响 Abstract "People's Republic of China enterprise income tax law" has been officially implemented in January 1, 2008, the new law on corporate income tax according to the tax reform principles of simple tax system, wide tax base, low tax rate, strict collection and administration ", the two tax unify. Small and medium-sized enterprises as an important part of China's enterprises, the new law has an important influence on the operation, how to through the tax planning to promote its own development, is the need to consider the problem of small and medium enterprises. In this paper, the history of China enterprise income tax system are introduced, compared and comparison of old and new enterprise income tax, and taking Dongguan as an example to discuss the effect of probiotic electronic new income tax for small and medium-sized enterprises, and puts forward the Countermeasures of small and medium-sized enterprises related to tax under the new enterprise income tax planning. Keywords: new tax law; small and medium-sized enterprises; effect 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 1绪 论 5 1.1研究背景与意义 5 1.2中国企业所得税制的沿革 6 1.3主要研究内容 8 2新税法主要内容及特点 8 2.1新企业所得税法相关理论 8 2.1.1“四个统一” 9 2.1.2“两个过渡” 10 2.2新税法主要内容 10 2.2.1重新界定了纳税主体 10 2.2.2统一并适当降低税率 10 2.2.3统一并规范税前扣除项目标准和办法 11 2.2.4统一并整合税收优惠 11 2.2.5强化了反避税制度 11 2.3新税法主要特点 12 2.3.1促进企业增强核心竞争力。 12 2.3.2促进企业向国家优先发展产业投资。 12 2.3.3促进中小企业创业发展。 13 2.3.4促进企业增强社会责任。 13 2.3.5促进企业纳税行为规范化。 14 3新旧企业所得税比较 15 3.1适用范围发生变化 15 3.2企业所得税率发生变化 15 3.3新企业所得税法新增了反避税条款 16 3.3.1提升了反避税规则的地位 16 3.3.2规范关联人的表述 16 3.3.3确立了反避税工作的基本原则 17 4新所得税对中小企业的影响 18 4.1对企业组织形式的影响 18 4.2对企业国际化的影响 19 4.3对企业税收筹划的影响 19 4.4税法改革把更多利润留给企业 20 4.5“两法合并”建公


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