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英汉翻译技巧教案之 广告中的习语翻译 教学目的:使学生能够掌握英汉语言区别并翻译标广告和习语。 教学要点:广告的翻译,习语的翻译 教学难点:习语翻译。 教学学方法:项目驱动的任务型教学、合作学习教学 教学设备:网络多媒体课室 教学情境:广告公司,户外广告 时间分配: 1—2节 广告特点及翻译 3--4 节 习语翻译 一 、广告简介 1.广告分类(Categories of Ads ) •product advertisement •service advertisement •corporation advertisement •public-welfare advertisement 2.广告策划的 6M 原则 (6M Principle ) •Market 市场 •Message 信息 •Media 媒体 •Motion 活动 •Measurement 评估 •Money 广告投入的经费量 3.广告的功能(Functions of Advertisements ) •努力满足 AIDMA 法则: •Attention(注意) •Interest(兴趣) •Desire(欲望) •Memory(记忆) •Action(行动) 二、Read the following advertisements 1) Good to the last drop. 2) Obey your thirst 3) The new digital era . 4) We lead .Others copy . 5) Impossible made possible . 三、The linguistic features of advertisements 1.Lexical features: •1) I love this game. •2) Just do it. •只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) •3) I’m lov’in it. (我就喜欢。) •4) I chocolate you. 爱巧克力哟! •5) Born to shine. •我本闪耀! (LG 手机) •6) 非常可乐,非常选择。 • (非常可乐) • A special cola, a special choice 2. Syntactic features: Statements: •1)Everything you’ve heard is true. •真材料,真感受,真服务。 •2 )He who hesitates is lost. •机不可失,时不再来。 •3 )In touch with tomorrow. •与明天共进。(东芝) •4) Life is discovery. And we have directions to get you there. (Wondemess) • 生活就是发现,让我们去发现吧。 •5 )你不理财,财不理你。( 电视“理财”栏目广告词) •Leave “Managing Money” alone, and money manages to leave you alone. Imperative •Obey your thirst. •服从你的渴望。(雪碧) •You are worth it. •你值得拥有! (Loreal 欧莱雅) •Take the TOSHIBA, take the world. (TOSHIBA) •拥有东芝,拥有世界。 Questions: •Where do you want to go today? (Microsoft) •你今天想去哪里? •What are luxury cars should be? •豪华汽车是怎样的?(林肯汽车) •Have you driven a Ford recently? (Ford Automobile) •你喝过山泉水吗?(农夫山泉) •Which lager can claim to be truly German? •This can. 啤酒 四、广告修辞(Figures of speech ) 1.明喻 Simile : •明喻是将两事物间的相似之处进行比较。 •


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