外研版选修八 module5复习过程.ppt

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The Conquest of the Universe Module 5 Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space in 1961. It took him 108 minutes to go round the world. The first man in space 尤里 · 阿列克谢耶维奇 · 加加林 Neil Armstrong The first man to set foot on the moon In 1969 That ' s one small step for man , one giant leap for mankind. 对一个人而言是 一小步,对于 人类 而言却是一个大的 飞跃 。 尼尔 · 奥尔登 · 阿姆斯特朗 Yang Liwei The first Chinese to travel in space In 2003 The first space tourist A 60-year- old American, Denis Tito In 2001 Pioneer 10 is the first spaceship to fly past Jupiter (木星) in 1973 先驱者 10 号( Pioneer 10 或 Pioneer F )是 NASA 在 1972 年 3 月 2 日 发射的一艘重 258 公斤的非载人航天器,用 意是为了研究 小行星带 、 木星 的周遭环境、 太阳风 、 宇宙射线以及太阳系与太 阳圈之中最远能够到达的 地方。它是人类史上第一 个穿越小行星带以及第一 个拜访木星的航天器。由 于它本身电力的限制以及 对地球距离过于遥远而导 致 2003 年 1 月 23 日之后的失联。 In1975 , the American Viking I mission landed on Mars (火星) and sends back good quality photos. Viking I Cassini space probe (宇宙探测器) reached Saturn ( 土星) in 2005. The biggest space disaster so far In1986 , seven American astronauts were killed in Challenger which explode d just over a minute after taking off . Space : The Final Frontier We have explored a lot of places on the earth, the only place left for us to explore is the universe. 1.Which are the subjects that are talked about in passage 1? A. The first landing on the moon B. The first shuttle flight into space C. The first landing on Mars D. The explosion of the Challenger E.China ' s first taikonaut Yang Liwei 2. According to the subjects , divide passage 1 into parts. Para 1 Para 2 Para 3- Para 5 Passage 1 Passage 1 Part 1: The first moon landing (Para1) Find a sentence in the first paragraph that can replace the following one: People have got used to the idea of space travel since Neil Armstrong entered the Moon on 21st July, 1969. Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon back on 21st July, 1969, people have become accustomed to the idea of space travel. Part 2 :The first shuttle flight into space (Para2) 1. Why were p


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