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Chinese Dream Culture ;; As the Hollywood blockbuster Inception wowed audiences around world, more and more people are interested in dream exploration. . ;Dreams are reflections of humans’ inner spaces and a connection between human subconscious and consciousness. And in human civilizations, dreams have always been regarded as a mystery. In primitive tribes, dreams were thought to be the indication of God or the haunting of the devil; Ancient Stories about Dreams in China ;;庄子认为人们如果能打破生死、物我的界限,则无往而不快乐 ;;On knight-errant Chunyu?Fen’s ?birthday, many friends and family?came to?celebrate. With joy he was drunk.In the night,?friends and relatives?back, with a bit?tipsy Chunyu?Fen?laid?under?a large?acacia tree ,and fell asleep unconsciously. In dream,? Chunyu?Fen was?invited?to go into a?tree hole.?Inside the cave,it’s a sunny and beautifulday world,?known as?Dahuai?country.; In Dahuai country Chunyu?Fen became Zhuangyuan through the examination and married?a?princess to be a ?consort prince. He had a happy life?for family with children,?also?got?striking?achievements when he was appointed to be ?prefect of Nanke country. But 30 years later, Dahuai?country was?invaded, Chunyu?Fen?received?the emperor's?command, unified?military?expeditions.?But he?knew nothing?of the?art of war,?suffered a complete defeat. Emperor? was very?disappointed,?ordered to?remove all his posts??, and sent back?home. Think about?all his?fame destroyed ,Chunyu?Fen?shouted a cry,awaked from the dream. 人生如梦,功名利禄俱是浮云; Based on the experiences and practices, an anonymous author wrote a book for interpreting dreams and predicting the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness, which was named Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams ;; As ancient Chinese peoples’ wisdom and experiences crystallized, Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams became less regarded as a superstition. To some degree, it is scientifically reasonable. Handed down over thousands of years, the pr


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