新冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 2 Good Health to You. Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth.》课件_21.ppt

新冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 2 Good Health to You. Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth.》课件_21.ppt

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Review the sentences we have learnt before. (复习学过的问答句) Lesson 8: Always Brush Your Teeth! 目录 CONTENTS 总 结 05 明释内容 检查先修 02 调试形式 有效学习 03 课堂检测 效果反馈 04 激趣导入 引起意向 01 激趣导入 引起意向 What does he /she do? eat ——eats wash——washes ride——rides drink——drinks have——has At seven o’clock in the morning, he is having breakfast. What does he do? before breakfast after breakfast Lesson 8: Always Brush Your Teeth! 明释内容 检查先修 1.Write down the two preposition words.(写出两个方位介词) 在---之前___________ 造句:________________ 在---之后________ 造句:______________ in front of behind Check your homework:(检查先修作业) 明释内容 检查先修 2.Learn two new preposition words.(学习两个时间介词) after before noon afternoon I watch TV after dinner. be 在---之前 在---之后 名词 for e What does he do? before breakfast after breakfast What does he do? before breakfast √ √ Before breakfast, he washes his hands and brushes his teeth. 调试形式 有效学习 What does he do? after breakfast √ After breakfast, he goes to school. How often does Danny brush his teeth after dinner? Danny never brushes his teeth after dinner. bad Please always brush your teeth! Make them strong and healthy! good Pair work(师友讨论Steven周一上午的课程) Tip方法(先读书上的句子,师傅听学友举一反三说出更多的句子) What does he have before/ after.........? What do you have after English class today? 调试形式 有效学习 Jenny’s week Question: What does Jenny do before breakfast? 2. Why does Jenny brush her teeth before breakfast? Listen and answer:(听短文,回答问题) Jenny has a good habit. She works hard. (好习惯)



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