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高一第一学期基础语法及词汇复习检测 填空: If a lecture is very , your mind will be a millio n miles away. We all think being is a virtue(美德). 3.1' m afraid we don ' t the same opinion He does n't much for others. That 'why he does n'thave any frien ds. ---What are you (喜欢)? ---Pop music. he has tried hard, he won't be able to pass the En glish exam. We are livi ng in the times whe n and cha nces go side by side. My new friend Li Ji ng told me that he to ( 去过)America twice. ---You have agreed to go. Why n ot get things ready? ---Oh, (我不知道) it was so late. We should (让,使)everybody realize the importanee of environment. The childre n (激动)whe n they were told they were going for a picnic n ext Sun day. I don 'tcare much for coffee. I tea. My mother is an actress and she has (扮演不同的角色 )in TV series. The boy admitted (break) the an cie nt vase. The sudden storm destroyed the house and 5 people were killed. Fortunately, I ( 幸 免于难). China is very fast day by day. The stude nts ofte n practice En glish among themselves. Japa nese is quite differe nt Chin ese pronun ciati on. They used to be great friends but now they are like stra ngers. How this ? You should work tonight watching TV . The party (以 结束) an old folk song. (大量) of people in China are learning English as a second Ianguage. He can be very rude sometimes, but , I still love him. (不要拘束),Jones, and help yourself to the food you like. I have already had such a stamp, so I (交换) the extra one for a new stamp. The (大多数) of America ns enjoy traveli ng from place to place. How much does that garage bus in ess (收入,进帐) each mon th? People from the two coun tries have no difficulty __ _ (un dersta nd) each other. We wear dark glasses in order to our eyes ( 保护 使 免 受 )the strong sun light. The people were warned not to (靠近)the building that was on fire. The doctor told me to (多运动)and not to worry. I need a (单独的)room. I don 'twant to share with others. How much do you ( 在 花钱)your clothes each year? Even though she is young, she has (丰富的


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