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PAGE PAGE 45 PAGE 44 井下液体自激振荡发电装置设计 摘 要 随着我国社会主义现代化事业的蓬勃发展,石油这一战略资源对经济发展的影响日益加深,因此石油生产作业也显得愈加繁忙。而在石油开采中,为了了解产量以及获得更多的油井参数,通常需要对抽油机井进行动液面深度等测试。 抽油机井动液面深度测试方法从前一般采用机械式压力计进行测量,然而为了提高测量效率,节省起放机械式压力计的维护成本,近年来,现场开始越来越多的采用电子式压力计。相比机械式压力计,电子式压力计的可靠性更强,使用更加方便,并且能在井下工作更长的时间。 美中不足的是,电子式压力计在井下进行测量工作时,需要电池为其供电。目前主要是采用高温电池对其供电,工作时间一般为1到6个月时间不等。 本毕业设计题目旨在解决电子式压力计不能通过电池在井下长期工作的问题,通过采用流体自激震荡装置,将原油流体中的动能和压能转换称为活塞垂直运动的机械能。其实现方式为:活塞上镶嵌有永磁材料,在活塞缸外绕有线圈,当活塞在活塞缸内往复运动时,线圈中的磁通发生改变,从而产生感应电动势。如此一来,本文中所提到的抽油机井井下发电装置便可为电子式压力计长期供电。 关键词:动液面测试;井下发电装置;压力及供电;井下发电设计 Abstract Along with the vigorous development of our country's socialism modernization, the oil resources influence on the economic development of the economic development, so the oil production operation becomes more and more busy.. And in oil exploitation, in order to understand the yield and get more of the oil well parameters, usually need to pumping wells into action level depth testing. Pumping wells dynamic liquid level depth test method before the mechanical pressure meter to measure. However, in order to improve the measurement efficiency, saving on mechanical pressure gauge maintenance costs, in recent years, the scene began to more and more adoption of electronic pressure gauge. Compared with the mechanical type pressure gauge, electronic type pressure gauge reliability is stronger, use more convenient, and can work longer in the underground time. A fly in the ointment is, the electronic pressure gauge measurement work in the underground, need batteries to supply power for the. At present, the power supply of high temperature battery is mainly used, the working time is generally ranging from 1 to 6 months.. The subject of this graduation design is to solve the electronic pressure gauge can not through the battery in underground for a long period of time, through the use of fluid self-excited oscillation device, oil fluid kinetic energy and pressure energy conversion to the vertical movement of the piston mechanical ene



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