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中国茶文化 在悠悠的历史长河中,中国传统文化如一朵奇葩,不断地盛开绽放,日积月累,积淀的 如此深厚。 茶文化, 便是根深蒂固的成长在中国人心中, 中国茶文化渗透了宫廷和社会,深 入中国的诗词、绘画、书法、宗教、医学。她不但是物质的,更是精神上的,这就是中国特 有的茶文化。 传说“神农尝百草,一日遇七十二毒,得茶而解之 ”。自此,茶便于中国有了不解之缘。 无论是鱼米之乡的江南, 还是牛羊遍地的塞外; 无论是繁华富庶的东海之滨, 还是落日孤烟 的西域荒漠。茶是不可或缺的。于是一条从武陵山脉深处一路东行,又折向北,又转向西, 穿越戈壁和沙漠,直通俄罗斯的沧桑古茶道形成了。 中国人“开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶。 ”,由此可见茶在人们生活中的重要性,普遍性。 南方人喝茶精致,北方人喝茶豪放。文人常以茶会友,以茶代酒,以茶寄情,以茶明志。茶 对文人总是难解的情怀。 茶在寻常百姓的生活中, 却是一天劳累后缓解困乏的良药, 没有那 么多的讲究,到也实实在在。 沸腾,翻滚,平静, ,飘香,品味,这就是茶的一生了。奋斗过,努力过,才明白平平淡 淡才是真。人生如茶,茶如人生。即便我只是一介高中生,也正经历着披星戴月、沸腾、翻 滚的高三生活, 时常也要靠茶提神醒脑, 或者说是茶让我享受忙里偷闲的片刻宁静。 我想说, 豪情万丈的激情岁月,才是值得品味的人生,这就是我的茶文化。 Chinese tea culture In the long history, Chinese traditional culture, such as a wonderful flower, is constantly blooming and blooming, accumulating, accumulating, and so profound. Tea culture is a deep-rooted growth, in Chinese minds, Chinese tea culture penetrated the palace and society, in-depth Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy, religion, medicine. She is not only material, but also spiritual, this is Chinas unique tea culture. It is said that Shen Nong tasted the herbs of paraquat and met seventy-two poisons in one day. Since then, tea has had an indissoluble bond with china. Whether it is the fertile south, or land area; it is a prosperous and rich East China Sea, or the western desert solitary smoke. T ea is indispensable. Thus, an ancient tea lane formed from the depths of the Wuling mountains east, north, West, across Gobi and the desert, through russia. Chinese daily expenses, daily necessities daily necessaries of tea. This shows the importance and universality of tea in peoples life. The peop


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