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Service Delivery stage - Monitoring Control phase The voice of experience Of the Seven Keys, the one most commonly in trouble is “Work And Schedule Are Predicted” The cause of this symptom is a problem with “Stakeholders Are Committed” The average time to take effective action to improve the health of any key was a month and a half IPP Management Process Progress Reporting Progress Reporting High level: Head Up Display (HUD) (‘DWI in action’) Essential detail: progress to plan (Work Schedule) Essential detail: progress to budget (Del. Org. Benefit) HUD (or Traffic Light reporting) HUD - High Level status reporting And for dealing with the detail…. Performance Measures - principles Measures for every key KISS SMART Verifiable - with numbers or yes / no Graphic and visible - every progress report Linked to objectives / milestones Based on accessible data Agreed with client Performance Measures - examples Team All team members (100%) have necessary skills and training (GREEN) Enough team members (80%+) have necessary skills and training (YELLOW) Too few team members have necessary skills and training (80%) (RED) For example….. Monitoring Control and Performance Measures Monitor and Control the Project Management Processes Implement project management processes Manage the Integrated Project Plan Monitor, maintain, and update the IPP Monitor and Control the Delivery Org Mgmt Processes Implement RA management processes Monitoring and Control Monitor and Control the Project Management Processes Monitor and Control the Delivery Org. Mgmt Processes Manage the Integrated Project Plan W D W “MAKING SURE IT HAPPENS!” But……. Then consider that……. Progress Report - Month # Actions Events that occurred Integrated Project Plan Service delivery Stakeholders are committed Business Benefits are Realized Work and Schedule are predictable Team is High Performing Scope is Realistic and Managed Risks are Mitigated Delivery Organization Benefits are Realized


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