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20XX年中秋晚会中央文王持词 中秋晚会搞笑主持词 The Mid-Autumn Festival Party Fun hosts word 一、 舞蹈:《秋月舞韵》 One, dance: " moon dance " 二、 主持人出场 In two, the host appeared (主持人甲)谢谢,谢谢**集团给晚会送来了如此热情 奔放、充满活力的舞蹈, “ **职工中秋联欢晚会——暨 ** 歌手总决驯就在这欢快的《秋 Man: Thank you, thank you for * group to give the party sent so passionate, energetic dance, " * * workers the Mid-Autumn Festival evening party -- and * singer always never tame in this cheerful " autumn 月舞韵》拉开了帷幕。 Moon dance " pulled open heavy curtain. (主持人乙)各位领导 Female : Leadership (主持人甲)各位同事 Male: Dear colleagues (主持人乙)各位朋友,大家 Woman: dear friends, everybody (主持人合)晚上好。 A: good evening. (主持人乙)秋风送爽,中秋月更圆。踏着时代的鼓点, 我们又共同迎来了一年一度的中秋佳节。 Female: the cool autumn, autumn moonis more round. Follow the drummer, we jointly usher in the Mid-Autumn Festival once a year. (主持人甲)华灯绽放,天涯共此时。在这个万家团聚 的节日里,我们**大家庭又欢聚在一起,共享这明月,共赏 这美景。 Man: when in bloom, the horizon altogether this time. In this 10 thousand reunion festival, we * family gather together, sharing the moon, all this beauty. (主持人乙)此时此刻,天上的嫦娥想必也悄悄地探出 头来,羡慕地注视着我们,……因为天宫太寂寞了。 Female: at this moment, the sky goddess in the moon must have slipped out, enviously watching us, Because the temple was too lonely. (主持人甲)此时此刻,月宫里的吴刚大概正手捧着桂 花美酒发愁呢,……美酒邀谁同饮呢 ?所以他也只能羡慕我 们。 Man: at this moment, in the palace of Wu Gang is probably holding the sweet-scented osmanthus wine worry about it, Asked who drink wine? So he can only envy us. (主持人乙)是的。正是因为有了我们千千万万个“舍 小家为大家”的**员工,才有了 **这个大家庭的欢乐与祥和; 也正是因为有了全体员工的不 Girl: yes. It is because we have thousands on thousands of " homes for everyone " * * * * staff, is the large family of joy and peace; it is also because of the staff do not 懈努力,才有了今天**的繁荣和昌盛。 Unremitting efforts, only today**thriving and prosperous. (主持人甲)是埃中秋合家团圆,是中华民族的传统习 俗。这撩拨人心的中秋之夜,使天下所有人都沉浸在“千里 共婵娟”的幸福之中… Man: Yes. The Mid-Autumn Festival family reunion, is Chinese nation's traditional custom. This play e*citing night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, let all the people are immersed in the " thousands of miles of the moon we


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