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摘要 摘 要 社会主义市场经济有其独有的特征,公平自由竞争是社会主义市场经济发展的动 力,但同时也需要法治作为保障,《反垄断法》向来有 “经济宪法”之称,其应当为市 场经济的发展起到保驾护航的作用。《反垄断法》实施十多年来提出遏制行政垄断的学 者越来越多,但遗憾的是规制行政垄断行为的效果并不明显,行政垄断仍然屡禁不止难 以彻底根治。行政垄断是通过滥用行政权力这一方式集中表现的,反垄断法也是通过禁 止行政权力滥用的方式对行政垄断进行规制的。但是对行政垄断中 “滥用行政权力”存 在较大的争议,主要是滥用行政权力的界定和滥用行政权力与滥用职权相混同的问题; 反垄断法在规制行政垄断中也存在法律责任的主体和形式较为单一的问题。针对滥用行 政权力的问题,建议从明确区分滥用行政权力与滥用职权的区别和修改相关法律规定进 行入手;针对法律责任主体和形式较为单一的问题,可以扩大法律责任的主体,将与行 政机关共同实施行政垄断的受益者纳入其中,追究相关主体的行政责任和民事责任,刑 事责任应慎重考虑。 关键词 行政垄断;反垄断法;法律责任 - -I 哈尔滨商业大学硕士学位论文 Abstract The socialist market economy has its unique characteristics, fair and free competition is the driving force of the development of socialist market economy,but at the same time, it also needs the rule of law as the guarantee. The anti-monopoly law has always been called economic constitution , which should play a role in escorting the development of market economy. There are more and more scholars who put forward to curb the administrative monopoly in the past ten years. Unfortunately, the effect of regulating the administrative monopoly is not obvious. Administrative monopoly is concentrated through the abuse of administrative power, and the anti-monopoly law also prohibits the abuse of administrative power It is regulated by the government. However, there is a great dispute about abuse of administrative power in administrative monopoly, mainly the definition of abuse of administrative power and the problem of mixing abuse of administrative power with abuse of power. In view of the problem of abuse of administrative power, it is suggested that the distinction between abuse of administrative power and abuse of power should be clearly distinguished and therelevant legal provisions shouldbe revised. The administrative liability andcivilliability ofreleva


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