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签证用户口簿翻译模板(标准版) ? 看到网上有不少办理出国签证用的户口簿英文翻译模板,其中很多翻译不准确,甚至闹笑话,或者犯一些严重的原则性错误,可谓“误人子弟”(其中最不可容忍的,是将“民族,民族成分”译为nationality!甚至我所见过的几乎90%的“专业”翻译公司都这么译,真真正正地误人子弟!)。更重要的是,误导签证官,最终白白耽误驴友自己的工夫。现将标准版户口翻译件模板,以及英文个人信息填写指南贴上来,希望能够方便各位驴友。 译者的专业是法律,经常接触和处理一些外国的法律文件,因此对一些专用名词的翻译还是很有自信的。同时希望英文高手和法律专家对本模板提出宝贵意见,共同完善之,以造福广大驴友。 友情提醒:在填写个人信息内容时,请务必反复核对,确保真实、准确、完整。有时候一个小小的失误甚至笔误,足可以引起签证官的怀疑,平添不必要的麻烦。译者本人去过10几个国家,多次办理个人签证,这方面的经验教训还是有的。 ? ???????????????????????????????????? ??? ??? ??Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. ? Basic Information of Household No.Type of Household: Non-agricultural family (Non-agricultural corporate) Name of Householder: Zhang San (张三) ? Household Number: ? Current residential address: No. 888, X Road, Dongcheng District, Beijing Authorized supervisor: Public Security Bureau of Beijing (sealed) Authorized Administrator: X Road Police Station (sealed) Registrar: Wang Wu (sealed) Date of Issue: 1st?January 2000 ? ? Register of Residence Change New Address Date of registration update Registrar ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? Information of Member Name Zhang San (张三) Householder him/herself or Relation to the householder Householder himself / herself; Son / Son’s wife, etc. Former name (if available) ? Sex Male / Female Place of birth Beijing Ethnicity Han / Manchu / Uigur / Tibetan, etc. Ancestral native place Bazhou, Hebei Province Date of birth 1st?October 1949 Other residential address in this city (county) ? Religious belief Nil Citizen ID card number 110000491001888 Stature 175 cm Blood group O Educational degree Master of Laws Marital status Married Military service status Nil Employer X Corporation Limited Occupation General Manager When and from where immigrated to this city (county) ? ? When and from where moved in current residential address 18 Aug 2005 No. 7, Z Road, Xicheng District, Beijing Registrar: (sealed) Date of register: 15th?Sept 2000 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Updates of Membe


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