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Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0 Client Profile 17.1. Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty Ltd. Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0 Client Profile 17.1. Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty Ltd. 学习方法交流会 唐琪洋 Evaluaton onr. ith Aspose slides for NET 4o client P Evaluation only. Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 Client Profile 171 Copyright 2004 -2017 Aspose Pty Ltd Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0 Client Profile 17.1. Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty Ltd. Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0 Client Profile 17.1. Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty Ltd. 成功的学习方法介绍 自信是成功的基础 以书本为主,资料为辅 3 惜时+兴趣 4抓好“课前课堂课后”三环节 ith Aspose slides for NET 4o client P Evaluation only. Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 Client Profile 171 Copyright 2004 -2017 Aspose Pty Ltd Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0 Client Profile 17.1. Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty Ltd. Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0 Client Profile 17.1. Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty Ltd. 同学的学习方法介绍 注意“课堂课后时间态度”学习中的四因素 如何解数学题 。如何学习英语 考前的复习 对待考试的态度 ith Aspose slides for NET 4o client P Evaluation only. Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 Client Profile 171 Copyright 2004 -2017 Aspose Pty Ltd Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0 Client Profile 17.1. Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty Ltd. Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0 Client Profile 17.1. Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty Ltd. 学习成功=心理素质+学习方法+智能素质 3 提高学习心掌握科学的发展智力, 理的素质。学习方法。提高能力。 ith Aspose slides for NET 4o client P Evaluation only. Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 Client Profile 171 Copyright 2004 -2017 Aspose Pty Ltd Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0 Client Profile 17.1. Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty Ltd. Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0 Client Profile 17.1. Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty Ltd. 提高学习心理的素质 1学习需要目标 2学习需要兴趣


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