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2017-2018学年七年级英语下册人教版专项训练:词汇 PAGE / NUMPAGES 1. The weather is ________ (干燥的) these days.I cant stand it. 2. Its too ________ (寒冷的) outside.We cant go out. 3. I ________ (希望) you good luck. 4. The chicken that my mother cooks is very ________ (可口的). 5. The bank is on your ________ (右边). Can you find it? 6. Students often take a ________ (公共汽车) to school. 7. Can I ________ (转向) right at the second crossing? 8. Wangfujing ________ (街道) is a good place to go shopping. 9. My father always ________ (睡觉) for thirty minutes in the afternoon. 10. Tony likes drawing so much that he wants to join the art ________(俱乐部). 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 11. My cousin is f________ to me so I like him very much. 12. Jane is a s________ girl.She doesnt like to talk to people. 13. Mom usually gets up at 5:50 and then b________ her teeth. 14. I want to v________ my teacher this Sunday. 15. In Harbin, its very cold in w________. 16. Im going to Canada for my summer v________ next week. 17. A m________ is a person who plays an instrument or writes songs. 18. Water is very important to us.So we must s________ it. 19. Please follow us, or youll get l________. 20. You can walk to the store.Its not f________ from here. 三、单项选择 21. —Can Mary ________Chinese? —No, she cant. A. talk   B. speak    C. tell   D. say 22. My little brother _______very well. Some of his pictures are on show. A. sings B. dances C. swims D. draws 23. —Dont be ________, Jim! Please clean your room this morning. —OK, Mom. A. lazy B. smart C. tidy D. strict 24. This watch is too expensive. I want to buy a(n) ________ one. A. expensive B. old C. cheap D. bad 25. I dont like my sisters ________ because theyre not ________ to me. A. friendly;friends B. friends;friendly C. friendly;friendly D. friends;friends 26. My grandmother often ________ stories at night. What about yours? A. talks B. says C. speaks D. tells 27. —Look! A blind man is in the middle of the street. Its too dangerous. —Lets help him go ________the st


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