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2)如果不适当地处理,锅炉及机动 车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污 染。 Exhaust from boilers and vehicles unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities 3)这些新政策将使人民的购买力提高, 市场繁荣,金融活跃,绝不会如一些人 所说将使国家财政一团糟。 These new measures will. we believe increase the peoples purchasing power and lead to thriving financial and commercial conditions rather than make a mess of the countrys finances as some people argue 、转换(Shif)( find elements in the original to use as the subject 2-1 By changing word categor 1)中日两国发展和平友好关系,符合两 国人民的长远利益。 The development of relation of peace and friendship between China and Japan is in accord with the long-term interests of the two people 2)游中国当然是必游长城。 a must for all the tourists to china is to visit the Great wall 3)中国的国民意识是把追求家庭幸福提到个 人幸福之上,而美国人似乎与此相反。 In the Chinese ideology, the pursuit of famil happiness has been elevated to the place before personal happiness, while for the americans the order seems to be the reverse 2-2 By means of inference(decide sv based on thorough interpretation) 1)发现错误,要改正错误 Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered


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