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How to Cultivate “EQ”;;Lead-in;返回;返回;Text Study—Understanding;Because the application of knowledge takes judgment.;The ability to adapt. / The adaptive skills.; 3) How can we develop Emotional Intelligence? ; 4) How can we raise consciousness? ;5) How can we use imagery?;6) What’s the purpose of reconsidering events? ;7) Why should we integrate others’ perspectives? ;8) What does our ability to think involve? ;9) What is the meaning of the last sentence of the text?;imagery;imagery;;Back;;问题的答案; 整理······;捡出······;这些董事们正在会议室加班,整理30份申请这一??理职位的申请书。;走向成功的通行证;Back; 5. embrace v. ① to accept enthusiastically; 欣然接受,支持 ② to hold (sb.) with both arms to express love; ③ to include ;正在做某事时;注意;注意到;简直就是;无异于;Back;考虑;沉思;妨碍某人做某事;Back;典 型 例 句;继续做某事;坚持干某事;When you use “so” with “that”, you can change the order of the words in the first clause for greater emphasis. You put “so” and the adjective at the beginning of the clause, with the clause in inverted order.;His method was very advanced and no one could match him. He was very successful and offers flowed in from publishers and editors on both sides of the Atlantic. ;原句: The next time someone interprets something differently from you —say, a controversial political event —pause to reflect on the role of life experience and consider it a gift of perception. (L. 39);;;;;Summary; ?Emotional Intelligence (or EQ) is ____ we use, as individuals, when applying judgment __ solving problems. IQ can be _________ to the hardware of our brain: how fast we _______ information and how well we can _____ it. EQ is more _______to the software of our minds: what we do ____ the information to come to a _______. Emotional Intelligence (or EQ), which can broadly be _______ as the role emotions play in ___________ our perception of the world and how this perception ______ our;conclusions. That involves something of a sixth sense— a high ___________ of the mind. In a literal _____ our bra


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