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Unit 10 Risks 王网htt:Ww8 Bpic. com Vocabulary 1. accordingly1) for that reason于是,从而,因此 He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went. 有人叫他离开该城市所以他就走了。 她非常喜欢阳光,因此她总是在海南度假。 She likes sunshine very much, and she always spends her vocation in Hainan accordingly. 2) as the( stated) circumstances suggest相应地 When the revolutionary situation changes, revolutionary tactics must change accordingly. 你可以权宜处理 You may arrange accordingl ly. 2. assess: evaluate评定,评估 Its difficult to assess the importance of the decision 这项决定的重要性很难评定。 他们派人去评估房子的价值。 They sent someone to assess the value of the house. assessment n assessab|ea.可估价的;可征税的 assess estimate. evaluate 辨异 assess原意是指为确定交多少税估价,引申指通 过估价以便更好利用。 estimate通常指个人作出的主观估价。 evaluate指绝对准确,但多用于对人物的某方面的评 价,很少用于评价某物的市场价格。 3. definitive: clear and having final authority明确的;有权威的 a definitive answer明确的答复 确切的解决方法 a definitive solution Her book is the definitive work on milton 她的书是论述弥尔顿的权威著作 define v 下定义,阐明 definite a 明确的,一定的 definitely ad 明确地;肯定地 indefinitely adv.不确定地;不限定地 definition n 定义 4. multiply:1)乘 以三乘五 to multiply five by three 三乘五等于十五。 3 multiplied by 5 is 15 多 divide:除 15除以3等于5 15 divided by 3 is 5. 2) to increase the amount, number or degree of #A to multiply ones chances of success 增加个人成功的机会 效率将提高好几倍 to multiply one s chances of success 5. partia:1) of only a part; not total; incomplete部分的;局部的 The research project was only a partia/success 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。 2) having a particular liking or fondness for something or someone偏爱的;特别喜欢的;偏祖的 I m very partia/ to sweet foods.我特别喜欢甜食。 他特别喜欢运动。 He is partial to sports a decision that was partial to the plaintiff. 项偏袒原告的决定 6. physician:内科医生 比续 physicist:物理学家 surgeon:外科医生 dentist:牙医 pediatrician:儿科医生 7. suspect:v.1) to believe to be true or probable猜想,认为可能 I suspect they are very disappointed.我猜想他们很失望 He seems poor, but i suspect that he has quite a lot of money. 他看上去很穷,可是我怀疑他很有钱。 2) to have doubts about: distrust怀疑,不信任: I suspect his motives.我怀疑他的动机 3) to think( a person) guilty wi



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