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* * Song and White (1997) evaluated the effects of desflurane, sevoflurane, and propofol on the time required to meet criteria for PACU discharge after general anesthesia. This was a randomized, single-blind study enrolling 120 patients undergoing laparoscopic tubal ligation. Early recovery was prolonged with propofol compared with desflurane and sevoflurane. Times to awakening, extubation, and orientation were shortest in the desflurane group. At 5, 10, and 15 minutes after discontinuation of anesthesia, significantly more patients in the desflurane group were judged fast-track eligible compared to the propofol group. Finally, 90% of the patients in the desflurane group were eligible for fast-tracking upon arrival in the PACU compared to 75% in the sevoflurane group and 26% in the propofol group. Thus, recovery with the inhalation anesthetics desflurane and sevoflurane was more rapid, facilitating early discharge from the PACU. Song D, White PF. Anesthesiology. 1997;87:A33. Juvin P, et al. Anesth Analg, 1997; 85: 647 - 651 . 睁眼时间 20 - 15 - 10 - 5 - 0 - 拔除插管时间 正确陈述姓名时间 平均复苏时间 (分) 地氟烷 (n=14) 5.6 ** 握手时间 正确陈述生日时间 11.5 11.9 异氟烷 (n=15) 6.9 13.1 9.9 7.4 12.9 14.3 10.7 18.3 16.8 11.4 18.4 19.4 * *** * ** 丙泊酚 (n=14) 老年病人长时间手术后苏醒 . Recovery Time and Fast-Tracking * P.05 * * * Song and White. Anesthesiology. 1997;87:A33 . 苏醒过程避免咳嗽、体动 有好的办法吗? 静脉注射 非去极化肌松药 去极化肌松药 麻醉性镇痛药 利多卡因 1.5mg/kg …… . 苏醒过程良好的镇痛 镇痛不全是病人苏醒期躁动的重要原因之一 全麻苏醒期 痛觉过敏 吸入麻醉药0.1 MAC 低溶解度的吸入麻醉药能快速度过此阶段 Propofol-TIVA也有苏醒期痛觉过敏吗? 瑞芬太尼诱导的“阿片类药物快速耐受” 其它阿片类药物也有相同的现象吗? . 苏醒期躁动的其它原因 苏醒速度过快 尿潴留或导尿管的刺激 肩膀疼痛 胃管不适 肌松药物的残余作用 …… . 小 结 静 脉 吸 入 诱导 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 维持 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 苏醒 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ . 地氟醚使用注意事项(起始阶段) 常规术前用药(咪达唑仑) 通常采用静脉诱导(Propofol + Fentanyl) 维持的起始阶段将地氟醚挥发罐开至3 ~ 6%,新鲜气体流量4 L/min。起始阶段的时间约为5 ~ 10 min 将新鲜气体流量减至1 L/min 按需调整地氟醚的浓度,每次挥发罐的刻度改变1 ~ 2% . 地氟醚使用注意事项(维持阶段) 地氟醚维持麻醉的浓度 如果和N2O合用,呼气末浓度通常需要2 ~ 6% 如果和O2或者空氧混合使用,呼气末浓度通常需要2.5 ~ 8.5% 如需快速改变麻醉深度,将挥发罐调高1 ~ 2%,新鲜气体流量加大至4 L/min,保持3 ~5min,切勿直接调高挥发罐浓度 1.5


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