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D Composite (fiber reinforce plastics) Possessing hereditary[hI5redItErI] rank in a political system or social class derived from a feudalistic [9fjU:dE`lIstIk] stage of a countrys development. Inactive or inert. 1 . Albeit [C:l5bi:It] page 12, line 5 Even though; although; notwithstanding. 2 . Noble page 12, para. 2, line 2 * Combination of individual materials from the previous categories. Characteristics: the best of both worlds It carry along the superior properties of each component, producing a product that is superior to either of the components separately. * Example: fiberglass ,wood ,concrete . * * s * Supplementary introduction Semiconductors A piece of equipment that produces a powerful narrow beam of light that can be used in medical operations , to cut metals , or to make patterns of light for entertainment . 1 .arsenide [5B:sEnaid]砷化物 A compound of arsenic with a more electropositive element. 2 .laser * Sophisticated page 13,line 6 from below [sE5fistikeitid] adj. 1.诡辩的, 久经世故的 2.Very complex or complicated: 非常复杂精密或尖端的 最新最尖端的技术 the latest and most sophisticated technology. * Semiconductors are relatively invisible compared with polymers , but have a comparable social impact. Semiconductors are the basis of modern electronics. * * A relatively small group of elements and compounds has an important electrical property。 three semiconducting elements (Si (silicon),Ge (germanium [dVE:5meiniEm] ) , Sn(tin)). compounds: GaAs gallium [5^AliEm] arsenide, CdS cadmium sulfide [5kAdmiEm 5sQlfaid] ceramics compound : ZnO Precise control of chemical purity allows precise control of electronic properties. * Characteristics: semiconduction, in which they are neither good electrical conductors nor good electrical insulators [5insjuleitE] , instead, their ability to conduct electricity is intermediate [7intE5mi:djEt]. * Atomic-scale-


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