新标准大学英语综合教程2 课堂.ppt

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Translate the sentences. 1. Do up this knot. 2. Loop that end of the rope through this and knot it. 3. Please tie a firm knot. 4. Can you undo this knot ? 5. The knot has come untied. 6. This knot here has got loose. knot v. to tie a knot in rope, string, or cloth 在 · · · · · · 上打结 把绳子的这一头儿从这里穿过然后打结。 把这个结打好。 请打一个死结。 你能解开这个结吗 ? 扣儿开了。 这儿的绳结变松了。 Active reading 2: Resources More 31 knot Figure out the meaning of knot in different context. A knot of friends waved him good-bye. She likes wearing a top knot. He tied the knot for Diane and Bill yesterday. The knot of marriage between two persons of different temperament is so intricate that it can only be cut. Diane and Bill tied the knot yesterday. 一群朋友 头顶上的发髻 证婚 维系,联系 结婚 Active reading 2 : Resources 32 volume ? So is setting your speaker volume . ? He bought a bound volume of the magazine. ? Both imports and exports continue to grow in volume . ? The volume of this container is 2 cubic meters. ? I only need one volume to complete my set of Dickenss novels. Match the words with their definitions (expressed by pictures). n. the loudness of a sound from a television, radio etc 音量 Active reading 2 : Resources 33 let on Make sentences after the examples. Your sentences ? e.g. 1. Im getting married next week, but please dont let on (to anyone) (about it), will you ? 2. She won‘t let on if you ask her not to. 3. They let on that they didnt care about not being invited, but I could tell that they were hurt. to talk about something that is intended to be a secret 泄露,透露(秘密) Active reading 2 : Resources 34 ever so Complete the sentences with ever so expressions. Pan felt himself to ______________________________ since yesterday. 一下子长大了好几岁 Everybody ____________________________ at the evening party. 非常愉快 Are women ________________________________, then ? 有男人那么反复无常 be ever so many years older enjoyed himself ever so ever so changeable as men used before an adjective or adverb to mean “very


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