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2014 年5 月16 日Power 2014 年5 月16 日 Power System Protection and Control May 16, 2014 电力系统实时动态监测主站系统检测评估方法研究 赵 昆,邹 昱,邢 颖,窦成龙,周京阳 (中国电力科学研究院,北京 100192) 摘要:以 WAMS(Wide Area Mearsurment System)实际应用情况为背景,提出了 WAMS 主站系统评估方案。把评估内容分为三 个层次,分别为系统硬件、系统软件基本功能和系统应用功能,三个层次逐一递进展开评估,并设计了对应的评估方法和评 估函数。设计了综合考虑三个层次的 WAMS 主站系统整体评估方法和评估函数,针对主站系统的稳定性和可靠性设计了某时 段 WAMS 系统连续多次评估方法和评估函数。设计的各评估方法和函数可以为当前电网 WAMS 主站系统提供评价量化指标,通 过各量化指标可以反映出主站系统各层次的稳定性、功能和性能,以及整个系统的稳定性、功能和性能。通过某实际系统仿 真分析,证明了评估方法的有效性。 关键词:相量量测;WAMS 主站;评估方法;检测规范 Detection and evaluation on power system real time dynamic monitoring master station system ZHAO Kun, ZOU Yu, XING Ying, DOU Cheng-long, ZHOU Jing-yang (China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, China) Abstract: Based on operation of WAMS in the power system, evaluation sheme of WAMS is proposed. Evaluation content is divided into three levels, including system hardware, system software basic function and system application function. The three levels’ content are evaluated progressively one by one, and the corresponding evaluation method and evaluation function of every level are designed. Based on the relation of the three levels, the evaluation functions of the whole WAMS master station system are designed. Aiming at the stability and the reliability of the system, the evaluation methods and functions are designed for a certain period. At last based on the above evaluation methods and functions, a quantitative indicator is provided for the WAMS master station system, which reflects the stability, function, and performance of every level and the whole master station system. The real system test shows effectiveness and practicality of proposed methods. Key words: phasor measurements; WAMS master station; evaluation methods; test specification 中图分类号: TM71 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1674-3415(2014)10-0071-06 我国已在各网省电力调度中心建立了 WAMS 系统, 2003 年前后,国调、华北、东北、华东、西北、南 方、江苏、广东等电网相继建成了完整的 WAMS 系统,实现了利用 PMU 信息的电网动态监视[8-10]、 电网低频振荡监视与分析[11-12]、电网扰动识别[13-14] (事故后分析)、发电厂一次调频评价[15]、电力系 统模型和参数校核


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