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英语的邀请函写官方邀请函写英语 【--邀请函范文】 正式的英语通常都是需要注意把具体时间地点等相关重要信息写清楚,方便别人过来。那么下面带你一起来了解一下官方的英语范文,希望对你有所帮助! On the eve of Christmas 20xx, we eagerly invited your forum to send representatives to listen to the Christmas bell and pray for a happy tomorrow on the evening of December 23 20xx and enjoy the Christmas party held by the " Anhui people in Shanghai" forum. We aim at " friendship and cooperation, friendship and happiness". Let's wish the motherland prosperity and pray for happiness, health and peace for our children in Shanghai. Family reunion! Let's join hands and fight for a better tomorrow. I would like to extend my most sincere invitation. " Anhui People in Shanghai" Forum Christmas Masquerade Preparatory Committee 20xx-12-13 Contact person: Lord dreamland ( __: 95**071, MSN: # URL # ) --------------------------------------------------- Party name: " Anhui People in Shanghai" Forum Christmas Makeup Ball Party form: singing and dancing + sketch + masquerade ball + village friends exchange The theme of the evening party: drinking Jianghuai water together, all Anhui people, and experiencing a strong sense of homesickness! Organizer: Anhui People in Shanghai Forum Party time: December 23, 20xx ( Friday ) 18: 30 - 23: 00 Venue of the party: the new space bar on the 2nd floor, no 50 wanhangdu road, Jing' an temple Party content: 1 cocktail party time: about an hour or so at the beginning, mainly to facilitate mutual understanding and munication between fellow countrymen Performance time: we have collected all kinds of village friends' talent shows to bring more happiness to this unforgettable night Game time: interesting activities give you the chance to attend the ball with sesame oil, lots of fun and gifts Lottery time: there will be a large number of gifts of various grades waiting


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