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连缺企业员工满意度与绩效管理之间的关系 摘要 随着知识经济的日益发展,人才的竞争己经成为现代企业竞争的 热点,当今社会,一个成功的组织,越来越依赖其组织员工的知识, 技能,创造力和能动力,所有的这些都需要完成企业最佳的员工满意 度的情况下才可以被有效地被激发与利用; 另一方面,最佳的员工满 意度对于目前经济快速增长的竞争性很强的中国经济环境中, 在如何 留住核心人才,更好的提高核心员工的工作绩效方面也是至关重要 的。所以,对组织而言,只有实施卓越的绩效管理模式,才可以更有 利于组织实现最佳的员工满意度状态。 在如何保留住重要的人才,更好的提高核心员工的工作绩效从而 提高企业整体绩效一直是企业管理者和理论学者思考的问题。 员工满 意度影响工作绩效的理论的研究与讨论白从二十世纪三十年代开始 就是学者们一直热心关注的问题。中外学者对员工满意度与工作绩效 的研究有不少,本文以连锁餐饮 XX店为例,来探讨在连锁企业中员 工绩效与员工满意度之间的关系,并通过相关问卷调查与数据分析, 为企业提出改善组织绩效的管理措施。 关键词:连锁企业绩效管理员工满意度 The relationship between the chain enterprise emplo yee satisfaction and performance management Abstract With the rapid development of knowledge-based economy, the talent competition has become the hot spot, the modern enterprise competition in today's society, a successful organization, more and more dependent on the employees' knowledge, skills, creativity and initiative, all of these are required to complete the enterprise the best employee satisfaction situation can be effectively be excited and utilization; on the other hand, China economic environment the best employee satisfaction for the competition of the current rapid economic growth strong, on how to retain the core of talent, work performance improve the core staff is also important. So, for the organization, only the implementation of performance management excellence model, can be more conducive to the realization of employee satisfaction optimal state. For a major talent in how to retain core employees, improve work performance and overall business performance improvement is the enterprise managers and scholars question. Employee satisfaction influence job performance theory research and discussion since twentieth Century thirty years is the scholars have been enthusiastic concern. There are a lot of research on job satisfaction and job performance of Chinese and foreign scholars, this paper takes chain xx restaurant store as an example, to explore the relationship between employee performance and job satisfaction in chain enterpris


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