新世纪大学英语综合教程2 unit6 单词讲解.ppt

新世纪大学英语综合教程2 unit6 单词讲解.ppt

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Unit 6 Being Creative Words and expressions contradictory adj.矛盾的;反对的;反驳的 n.对立物;矛盾因素 复数[ contradictories The prisoners statement was contradictory to the one he d made earlier 那个囚犯的供词与早些时候说的相矛盾。 contradiction n.矛盾;否认;反驳 be in contradiction with/to与.相抵触;与…,盾 contradict v.①与.矛盾;与.抵触;②反驳;否认 contradict oneself自相矛盾 The eyewitness contradicted earlier testimony 目击者否认了早些时提出的证词。 n a very large number of people or things许多,大量,众多; majority [ he multitude(s)群众,大众 had never seen such a multitude of stars before An angry multitude collected in the street. 街道上聚集了一大群愤怒的人 We must try to satisfy the needs of the multitudes 我们一定要设法满足广大民众的要求。 v使…完整;使…结合,使成一体 o to integrate theory with practice ●理论与实践相结合 I integrated your suggestion with my plan Colorful illustrations are integrated into the text o integrate with/into使与…结合,成为一体, 融入 integrity n完整;正直;诚实 o integrated adj.完整的;整体的;综合的 dialectical adj.辩证的;辩证法的;方言的 dialectical materialism辩证唯物主义 dialectical unity辩证统 dialectic n.辩证法;逻辑论证 dialect n.方言,土话ad方言的 Fujian dialect accent福建方言口音 external adj.外部的,外界的,外来的;对外的 外国的 They did it in response to external ressures 他们这么做是迫于外界的压力。 This medicine is for external use only Our external trade has expanded during recent years 我国的对外贸易近几年来有所发展。 externa| cause/ force外因/外力 internal cause内因 beam n a line of light shining from the sun, a amp光线、光束 e.g. I was dazzled by the beam of the cars headlights n.横梁 balance beam平衡木 e.g. The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam beam v smile brightly and happily e e.g. His face beamed with joy e.g. The teacher looked at his students and beamed proudly. Collocation beam with joy笑逐颜开 beam at sb.对某人笑 beam inside由衷地高兴 发射,射出(电波、光线等);用.照射,照耀 We beamed the x- rays through the materia我们用 X射线透视物质。 The sun beamed through the dreary clouds 太阳透过阴云照耀着。 recharge v.再充电;再袭击;再控告 The battery was recharged o They recharged the enemy at dawn ●破晓时他们再次突袭敌人。 The driver was recharged with speeding


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