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PAGE PAGE # Chapter 3 International Cargo Transportation s paym国际货物运输 s paym In international trade, the seller delivers the goods in exchange for the buyer the seller s basic duty to deliver the goods to the buyer or tshpeecified carrier in due time, place and transport means according to the contract after signing it. 在国际贸易中, 卖方交付货物与买方支付货款是对流条件。 买卖合同签订后, 按照合同 规定的时间、 地点和方式将货物运交买方或装上指定的承运工具, 是卖方所承担的基本义务。 In common law, according to the cases over the past years, common law countries regard quality clauses, quantity clauses and time of delivery as the fundamentals of the contract. The consequences could be very serious once the rules are broken. In this chapter, time of delivery is the priority of shipment clauses. Time of shipment and time of delivery are totally different concepts, but under FOB, CFR and CIF terms, the seller delivers the documents instead of the goods, which means, once the goods are sent to the ship or shipping conveyance in the shipping port, the seller s duty to deliver goods is accomplished. Ttheeinddaicated by the carrier on the shipping documents is the time of delivery and the place of shipment is rightly the place of delivery. That is to say, under CIF, FOB and CIF trade terms which indicate symbolic delivery, shipment just means delivery and time of shipment is rightly time of delivery. 在英美法中,根据历年的判例, 英美法的国家把品质条款、数量条款、 交货期作为合同 的要件条款。 如果违反了要件条款, 后果十分严重。 在本章中的装运条款要首先讲到装运期。 装运期和交货期是两个不同的概念,但是在 FOB、 CFR、CIF 条件下,卖方以交单代替了交 货,也就是说只要把货交到装运港的船上或运输工具上, 卖方的交货义务就算完成, 承运人 在运输单据上所注明的日期即作为交货日期,货物的装运地点即作为交货地点。也就是说, 在 CIF 、FOB 、CFR 象征性交货的贸易术语下, “装运”就意味着交货,成为同一个概念,交 货期等于装运期。 3.1 Means of Trans po rtation运输方式 In international trade, there are various kinds of modes of transportation: ocean transportation, rail transportation, air transportation, river transportation, postal transportation, road transportation, channel transportation, container transportation, international multimodal transportation and continental-bridge transportation, etc., of which


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