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22nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 5–9 October 2015 Paper number ITS-2060 Testing autonomous driving vehicles in a mixed environment with pedestrians and bicycles 1* 2 1 2 2 Luca Guala , Adriano Alessandrini , Francesco Sechi , Paolo delle Site , Carlos Holguin , Marco Valerio Salucci2 1. Systematica MLab srl, via Malta 25 Cagliari 09124 Italy tel. +39 070 275 939 lguala@ 2. CTL Università di Roma 1, La Sapienza, Italy Abstract The paper describes the results of the first demo test of the “CityMobil2” project, involving two automated public transport vehicles operating without barriers in a pedestrian area. After describing the demo and its operations, the paper focuses on the information acquired in terms of performance, interaction between vehicles and pedestrians, the level of acceptance, perceived and declared, the legacy of the demo for the prosecution of the CityMobil2 project, the process of legalization of automated vehicles. A description of the analysis of data is provided, along with a summary of the information obtained. Finally, the paper outlines some possible applications of this technology, and especially its combination with high-quality cycling infrastructures, and the resulting synergies. Keywords: driverless, transit, autonomous. 1. Overview of the project CityMobil2 is a research project funded under the European Commission’s 7th framework for technology and innovation, coordinated by CTL - University of



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