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学习资料收集于网络,仅供学习和参考 ,如有侵权,请联系网站删除 必修二 unit4 Reading I.单词拼写 1. Technological change can (影响 )every aspect of our life. 2. We should set up more nature (保护区 )for the endangered animals. 3. Only in recent years have people begun to realize the importance of w protection. 4. Some findings have showed that living near an airport may cause the l of hearing some day. 5.I don ’t think the color of the (地毯 )matches the furniture in my living room. 6. As is known to all, a cow has four ( 胃) 7.The hotel bill c every fee, including the broken glass. 8. The cruel king showed no m and killed all the prisoners. 9. Whales are still being h and killed in that ocean. 10. People should d the amount of fat they eat. Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.He was a loss when he was asked to say something at the meeting. 2. The problem to be discussed at the meeting next week is of great ( important). 3 In the past three months the area in the north of the country (affect)by the coldness. 4. It is certain he will hand over his business to his son when he gets old. 5.I appreciated (give)the opportunity to study abroad two years ago. 6. Computers will already have become more (power)than the human brain. 7. Some steps have been taken to protect the forest from (destroy). 8. The United Nations reports the number of violent attacks against foreigners (decrease) in the past few days. 9. I looked up and noticed a snake ( wind) its way up



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