食品安全和卫生 5天津科技大学教材.ppt

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General Principle Application of Risk Analysis on F。 od safety 危险性分析的原则及其在食晶 安金中的应用 Food safety -a global concern Food ingredients and products sourced around the world 食物原料和产品来源于世界各地 Food control measures not the same everywhere 各地的食品安全控制措施不同 Food safety may be perceived differently in different parts of the world ■不同地城对食品安全的认识不同 Can obstruct international trade ■国际贸易受阻 caC Wto ■SPS和TBT协议是WTO成员在国际贸易中必 须遵循的多边协定 应用卫生与植物卫生措施协定,SPS Sanitary / Phytosanitary Measures agreement 贸易技术壁垒协议,TBT The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade WHO要求各会员国: 在食品安全行动之下,重点制定和评估国家的控 制战略,支持发畏评估与食品相关风险的科学, 包括分析与食娠性疾病相头的高危因素;要最大 可能利用发畏中国家在食源性因素危险性评估方 面的信息以制定国际标准。 Risk analysis-why 为什么要进行危险性分析 a Food safety of increasing concern 食品安全被广为头注 a Move towards a risk based approach 趟向于对危险性的研究 Decision making based on sound science 基于科学基础上的决蒙 Risk Analysis- what is it? process consisting of 3 components: a risk assessment 危险性评估 a risk management 危险性管理 a risk communication危险性信息交流 Risk Analysis Paradigm Risk Assessment RIsk Management Science based Policy based Risk Communication ch of information and opinions Risk Assessment(CAC, 1997) 危险性评估 a scientifically based process ■科学评估的程序 The evaluation of the potential for adverse effects on human or animal health arising from the presence of additives, contaminants, toxins or disease-causing organisms in food, beverages or feedstuffs (WTO) 评佑食品、饮料、饲料中的添加剂、污染物、毒素 或病原菌对人群或动物潜在刮作用的科学程序 Risk Management (CAG, 1997) 危险性答理 The process, distinct from risk assessment, of weighing policy alternatives, in consultation with all interested parties, considering risk assessment and other factors relevant for the health protection of consumers and for the promotion of fair trade practices, and, if needed, selecting appropriate prevention and control options 在危险性评估的科学基础上,为保护消费者健康、促 进国际食品贸易而采取的预防和控制措施。 Risk Communication 危险性信息交流 The interactive exchange of information and opinions throughout the risk analysis process concerning hazards and risks, risk related fact


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