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问题解决型(problem solution) 一、英语作文语言的形成过程二、问题解决型作文写作方法和特点总结三、习作实例讲解和句式总结一、英语作文语言的形成过程Simple ChineseSimple English Compound and complex English[写作实例]如果我们每个人都减少一次性塑料袋的使用,这对环境保护非常重要。 If each of us can reduce the usage ofdisposal plastic bags, it is very important to environmental protection.第一步优化:句子结构优化(使用主语从句合成句子) It is very important to environmental protection that each of us reduce the usage of disposal plastic bags in our daily life. 第二步:对词汇进行优化(四级词汇在写作中的应用) It is very important to environmental protection that each of us reduce the usage of disposal plastic bags in our daily life. of vital importance mean a lotsignificantessential It means a lot to environmental protection that each of us reduce the usage of disposal plastic bags in our daily life. minimize二、问题解决型作文写作方法和特点总结 The Writing Method of the Passage 1:A Problem – Response – Evaluation Structure This is very commonly used structure in English. Normally, some part of a situation is introduced before the problem. Then, solutions are taken to solve the problem. Afterwards, some evaluationmight occur in the actions taken. Writing—Structure Writing Sample 1—Part 1 of the TextProblemJimmy, was born with brain damage due to a lack of oxygen at his birth. My life revolved around Jimmy’s.My mother taught Jimmy practical things.ResponseMy father held the family together with his patience and understanding.I protected Jimmy when the kids picked on him.EvaluationMy father and Jimmy were inseparable and did everything together.导入预习课文小结BackN H C EWriting Pattern[Example 2 from the Text]Problem:Jimmy was a wreck when my father died of a heart attack in 1991. He was simply in disbelief. He now quit speaking all together. No matter how hard I tried, Jimmy could not accept the hard fact. (Para. 4) My mother died of lung cancer six months later and I alone was left to look after Jimmy. (Para. 5)随 笔写作实践问题解决型作文写作思路亦可称为:解决问题型作文。一般在首段现象描述,之后进行问题分析(原因或危害),最后提出建议措施,问题解决型试题回顾08年12月英语四级作文真题 Limiting The Use of Disposable Plast


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