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经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 仅供参考 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 汉庭酒店顾客忠诚度的研究 摘要:随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展,企业间竞争日益激烈,为获得效益,增强竞争力,企业需要与顾客长久的维持关系,而这种关系的建立,离不开顾客的“忠诚度”,顾客的忠诚度是企业得以发展的基础。对于酒店行业来说也是如此,尤其是经济型酒店,顾客对酒店的忠诚度直接影响着酒店的入住率等,影响着酒店的发展。汉庭连锁酒店自成立以来,坚持走经济型酒店之路,为消费者带来了较大的便利,但是由于汉庭酒店部分软硬件设施存在一定的问题,酒店配套设备、员工服务情况等存在一定的不足,所以顾客忠诚度并不够高,故而采用实地研究的方法对汉庭酒店的顾客忠诚度进行研究。 文章引言部分介绍了研究背景和研究意义;其次概述了顾客忠诚度、顾客满意度相关理论,为后文奠定理论基础;再次对汉庭酒店的顾客忠诚度进行分析,描述汉庭酒店当前的现状,并进行分析;接着分析汉庭酒店在顾客忠诚度方面所存在的问题及原因,从顾客方面以及员工方面进行详细分析;最后针对汉庭酒店顾客忠诚度的提升提出两点对策,以提高顾客满意度以及员工满意度,从而提升汉庭酒店的顾客忠诚度。希望本文的研究可以提高汉庭酒店顾客忠诚度,促进汉庭酒店的发展,同时为其他相关企业提供一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:汉庭酒店;顾客忠诚度;顾客满意度 A Study on Customer Loyalty of Hanting Hotel Abstract:With the continuous development of the socialist market economy, the increasingly fierce competition among enterprises, in order to obtain benefits and enhance competitiveness, enterprises need to maintain long-term relationship with customers, and the establishment of this relationship can not be separated from the customer's "loyalty" Customer loyalty is the basis for the development of enterprises. For the hotel industry is also true, especially the economy hotel, the customer's loyalty to the hotel directly affect the occupancy rate of the hotel, affecting the hotel's development. Han Ting Hotel since its inception, adhere to the road to the economy hotel for consumers to bring a greater convenience, but due to the Han Ting Hotel part of the hardware and software facilities there are some problems, hotel equipment, staff services, etc. exist A certain lack of customer loyalty is not high enough, so I will use the questionnaire survey method of Hanting hotel customer loyalty to study. ????The article introduces the background and significance of the research and the research status of customer loyalty at home and abroad, laying a direction for writing later. Secondly, it summarizes the theory of customer loyalty and customer satisfaction, laying the theoretical foundation for the later Hanting Hotel customer loyalt


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