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学习资料收集于网络,仅供学习和参考 ,如有侵权,请联系网站删除 八年级上册英语阅读理解每日一练 Passage 1 Lively day,the people on the seashore (海岸 ) heard a shout.They all ran to the sea.There they saw a man in the water calling for help.A young soldier was really a strong swimmer and soon pulled the man back to the shore.All the people there admired (敬慕 ) the soldier. The man was saved.He dressed very well.Everybody could see that he was a rich man.After he could speak,the man thanked the soldier,and took out a shilling(先令,英国早期的一种 货币单 位).He put the shilling into the soldier's hand.But the soldier refused(拒绝) to take the money.The people around him were all very angry with the rich man and they wanted to go away.But an old man laughed and said loudly: “I'm sure the rich man knows best how much his life is. ” ( ) 1. ________ jumped into the sea and saved the rich man. A. A poor man B. A strong soldierC. An old soldier D. A rich man ( ) 2. The soldier was _________. A.young and strong B.young and weakC.old and strong Dvery tall ( ) 3. The soldier didn't take the money because he ______. A.wanted more B.didn't want any C.didn't like D.thought it tooless ( ) 4. It happened _________. 学习资料 学习资料收集于网络,仅供学习和参考 ,如有侵权,请联系网站删除 A. in England B. in China C. in America D. in German ( ) 5. The old man helped A. the rich man B. nobody C. himself D. the soldier Passage 2 When Jack got to London,his face became bright and he started looking around the city. He thought he knew English very well.But when he was in London,he found he couldn't understand a word,and nobody understood him,at first he had many difficulties (困难).An English friend of his lived next to him.He often asked him for help. Soon he got to know he must learn spoken English well.He began going to all kinds of meetings.He always sat in the front seats and c


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