2021届高考英语外刊话题Realme launches 5G phone for $200中国最便宜的千元5G手机(原卷版).docVIP

2021届高考英语外刊话题Realme launches 5G phone for $200中国最便宜的千元5G手机(原卷版).doc

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暑期原汁原味赏析报刊特训专辑day3: 课前导读: 中国领先的智能手机品牌Realme周一在中国发布了最新的5G智能手机,这是该公司努力参与日益激烈的5G手机市场竞争的一部分。 Realme, a leading smartphone brand, unveiled its latest 5G smartphone in China on Monday, as part of its efforts to popularize 5G handsets amid mounting competition. The move also came after the Shenzhen-based company said its products have reached 59 countries and regions. The Realme V5, priced from just 1,399 yuan ($200), is arguably one of the most affordable 5G handsets unveiled in China so far. It also marks an aggressive push by the company to establish a presence in the fiercely competitive 5G handset market. Xu Qi, vice-president of Realme, said the company's products and services are now available in 59 countries and regions and the company is among the top five vendors in nine markets. "We now have more than 40 million users," Xu said, adding that the company will step up its push to seize opportunities in the 5G handset market. Launched first in the middle of 2018, the company has quickly grown to be the seventh-largest smartphone vendor in the world. It is extremely popular in Southeast Asian countries and has been expanding its presence in Europe. Data from the market research company Counterpoint show that Realme is the only major smartphone vendor whose global shipments saw double-digit growth in the second quarter of this year. Day3:Realme launches 5G phone for $200中国最便宜的千元5G手机 基础知识板块: 根据汉语找出下列单词。 1.____________ adv可以说;可论证的;有论据的 It is arguable that giving too much detail may actually be confusing. 过分详细反而使人糊涂的说法是有道理的。 2.___________vt 1)开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动) ?to launch an appeal/an inquiry/an investigation/a campaign 开始进行上诉╱质询╱调查╱一场运动 ?to launch an attack/invasion 发起攻击;发动侵略 2)(首次)上市,发行 ?a party to launch his latest novel 他最新小说的首发式 ?The new model will be launched in July. 新型号产品将在七月 ___________ prep 1)?在…过程中;在…中 ?He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.?他在雷鸣般的掌声中结束了演讲。? ?The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud.?该公司在一片欺诈的指责声中倒闭了。? 2).?在…中;四周是 ?The hotel



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