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美雅思ROCK Let s get ROCKing! In today's society there is an increasing trend in youth crimes. What are the possible 删除的内容: i…w…s ... [1] reasons? Suggest some suitable solutions. 面是我的作文 It is alarming that the rate of youth crimes is increasingly high in today s society, which 删除的内容: the inevitably worries many people about the future of their kids. What are reasons they present-day….…Adults wonder that lead to this phenomenon on earth. In my opinion, there are several causes are tend to …y…about… …? ... [2] accounting for the youth crimes problem. (开头转述论题,然后提出自己的观点,在这里是要 引出自己下面要论证的内容,你转述了论题,但是还要有一句承上启下的话,就是in my opinion 这里。否则,文章的coherence 是有问题的。) First of all, governments should shoulder the responsibility to reduce the high youth 删除的内容: G…for …witho crimes rate. For instance, effective measures must be taken to regulate and prevent ut the severe policy mass media to cover violence, pornography and other inappropriate content to impose about…,numerous negative influence on those vulnerable adolescences. Therefore, I believe that our pictures …ing… or…stuff… government should pay more attention to children and many strict rules and regulations like that are available must be issued to deal with this problem and provide our youth a safe and healthy to…,which leads to them environment to grow up in. (这一段论述的结构需要修改一 ,第一句话应该指出造成青少年犯 tending to commit crimes 罪的首要原因,然后解释,最后提出solution。这个是最好的回应题目要求的结构。你这个结构有点 to address the 混乱。) problems…have a


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