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摘 要 随着社会的进步和工业技术的发展,人们越来越重视生活中每一个环节的使用与安全。在生活中,人们每日使用的蔬菜和水果总是需要保持一定的新鲜度。但现在市场上的许多产品对温度范围要求不严格,而且普遍存在温度检测仪器大都不够精确的缺点,如何开发一种实时性高、精度高,能够综合处理多点温度信息的测量系统就有很必要。本文既是对于以上要求进行的具体设计,利用单片机作为主控芯实现智能控制,能够及时有效地反映现实温度并加以控制,满足人们的需要。 本文是远红外果蔬干燥机温度控制系统的设计。系统以AT89S51单片机芯片为核心,要求系统能对温度进行时时检测和智能控制。基于单片机控制的处理果蔬室温度控制系统的硬件电路包括:单片机于A/D接口、温度采集电路、模拟信号处理电路、温度显示电路、声光报警电路等部分。根据单片机的指令进行温度采集,收集测量数据,并对测量结果进行整理、显示处理。软件部分使用汇编语言对信号采集,处理。 系统设有声光报警系统,当温度超过限定范围时,能够及时提醒人们,以免出现意外事故。系统功能齐全,体现了人性化设计思路,并且价格便宜,能满足广大市场的需求。 关键词:单片机;温度传感器;A/D转换器;报警 Abstract With the social progress and the development of industrial technology,there is a growing attention to every aspect of life in the use and security.In life,peoples daily use of vegetables and fruits are always the need to maintain a certain freshness,but now on the market for many products do not require strict temperature range.And the most widespread temperature detection equipment not accurate shortcomings. How to develop an automated storage system, Storage device makes a certain temperature range. How to develop a Real-time high, precision high, can be integrated multi-point temperature measurement system of information is necessary to have. This article is for the above requirements of the specific design, SCM as the use of core-dominated Intelligent Control, to reflect the reality of a timely and effective manner to control the temperature and, meet peoples needs. In this paper, the far-infrared drying of fruits and vegetables temperature control system desing is introduces. This systems to AT89S51 SCM as the core requirements of the system have always temperature detection and intelligent control. Contiol of the computer roccessing fruits and vegetables Room temperatuie control system hardware circuit include: SCM and A/D interface, temperature acquisition ciruit, analog signal processing circuit, temperature display circuit, alarm circuit of sound and light and so on. According to the directive of SCM have temperature collection, data collection and me


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