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Catholicism ——Katherine Introductions of Catholicism The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church; the largest Christian church; with more than 1.16 billion believers worldwide; among the oldest religious institutions in the world ; has played a prominent role in the history of Western civilization. The history of Catholicism Catholicism is the one true church founded by Jesus Christ in the 1st century AD. Need of politics, the early Christian(基督教徒) was persecuted(迫害) cruelly by Roman Emperor. In 313, the struggles of the Early Church were lessened by the legalization of Christianity by the Emperor Constantine I. In 380,Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire by the decree(法令,命令) of the Emperor Theodosius I. After the destruction of the western Roman Empire, the church in the West send missionaries(传教士)to convert the peoples of northern Europe, as far as Ireland in the north. In subsequent(随后的,后来的)centuries, Catholicism spread widely across the world. Figures Feasts(瞻礼) Dogma(教理) Decalogue(天主十诫) 第一诫 钦崇一天主在万有之上。 第二诫 不呼天主圣名以发虚誓。 第三诫 守瞻礼之日和主日。 第四诫 孝敬父母,尊敬师长。 第五诫 不杀人不害人。 第六诫 不行邪淫。 第七诫 不偷盗。 第八诫 不妄证不毁谤人。 第九诫 不贪图他人妻子 第十诫 不贪他人财物。 * Three major religions in the world Buddhism 佛教 Christianity 基督教 Islam 伊斯兰教 Catholicism 天主教 the Eastern Orthodoxy 东正教 Protestantism 新教 Vatican(梵蒂冈) The Center of Catholicism Jesus Virgin Mary Christmas Easter Pentecost 圣神降临节 Assumption 圣母升天节 The Seven Sacraments(七项圣事) 1,洗礼圣事Baptisma 2,坚振圣事Confirmation 3,圣体圣事Sacrament 4,告解圣事Penance 5,婚姻圣事 6,圣秩圣事Ordination 7,病人覆油圣事 万民四末 一、死亡。Death 二、审判。Judgment 三、天堂。Heaven 四、地狱。Hell *


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